You play hide & seek in an empty area

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Luke: You watch your boyfriend and his band warm up, sitting alone in the venue that will in a few hours be filled with screaming fans. Finally they finish up, and Luke hurries out to meet you. "How'd we sound?" he asks as he takes a seat beside you, beads of sweat still clinging to his forehead. "Great, as always," you compliment, "You're sweaty though." You wrinkle your nose at your smelly boyfriend and he chuckles. "Is that a problem?" he asks, scooting closer to you so that you have no choice but to smell him. You squeal, clambering out of your chair as fast as possible. "Don't you wanna kiss me?" Luke pouts as he gets to his feet and reaches out to catch hold of you. "You'll have to catch me first!" you challenge before sprinting away. He watches with amusement as you clumsily make your way over rows of seats. He sighs as you take off up the aisle full speed and head out of sight. Finally he sprints after you, checking every row for a glimpse of his childlike girlfriend. "Y/n!" he calls after only seconds of searching, "I'm tired!" He hears your telltale giggle not too far away, and he sprints down the next row. "Ahh!" you shriek as he catches sight of you crouched behind a far row. You hop up, hurrying in the opposite direction, but it doesn't take long for Luke to catch up. "Gotcha!" he cheers as his arms wrap around your middle, bringing you to an abrupt stop. "Now you have to kiss me!" he points out in triumph. "Never!" you shout defiantly. You feel Luke's lips against your forehead and you shut your eyes tightly as he kisses all over your face. "Luke!" you squeal as you push him back. "I just love you so much!" he insists, his strong arms holding you in place. "If I kiss you will you let me go?" you offer. Luke considers the offer before shaking his head. "I'm never letting you go," he says with a wicked grin. With that he throws you over his shoulder, carrying you through the venue despite your kicking and screaming.

Calum: "Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty!" Calum yells out before opening his eyes and scouring the area for your figure. "Y/n!" he calls, "Come out, come out wherever you are!" He scratches his head, looking around and feeling lost in the giant venue. "Y/n?" he calls out again, "This is harder than I thought!" His phone chimes with a text from you.

Need a hint?

He responds right away with the affirmative and within seconds his phone dings again.

Second floor!!

Calum heads up to the second tier of seating and begins checking between rows for his elusive girlfriend. He sends you another text begging for a second hint. As he walks aimlessly, he hears the familiar sound of your text tone not too far away, followed by you swearing under your breath. He hurries toward the sound, finding you only a few rows from where he had been. "Found you!" he declares excitedly. "That's not fair!" you whine as you get to your feet. "All is fair in love and war," Calum says with an innocent smirk. "Is this love or war?" you ask, raising your eyebrows questioningly. "Both," Calum jokes, causing you to smile despite your indignation at the injustice of your game. "Well, I demand a rematch," you insist. "Oh you do?" Calum asks with mock concern, "Oh okay." He nods sympathetically and makes his way to the balcony. "Hey everyone!" he yells to the empty floor below, "Queen Y/n demands a rematch! Wanna know why? Because she LOST!" He turns to you with a wide grin and you roll your eyes. He returns to the balcony and continues, "The Queen's reign of Hide and Seek champion has ended and there is a new ruler in charge!" "You beat me one time!" you argue, "You are not the champion!" "I could beat you anywhere, anytime," Calum states boldly. "Then rematch tomorrow in the next arena," you challenge, glaring up at your competitive boyfriend. "You're on," he agrees, shaking your hand.

Ashton: "Ashton!" you call, wandering through the vacant venue. "Ash, where are you?" Worried that you may be alone in the arena and positive that this could be the start to a horror movie, you pull out your phone and call your boyfriend. "Hello?" Ashton whispers into the phone. "Ash, where are you?" you ask hurriedly, "I'm all alone." "Come find me!" Ashton challenges before hanging up. "Ashton!" you shout, but all that you hear in return is the echo of your own voice. "I don't wanna play hide and seek!" you complain as you make your way through the rows of seats with no idea where to start. Your phone begins to ring and you pick up instantly. "You'll never find me at this rate," Ashton informs you, sounding disappointed. "Yeah, I know," you state flatly, "This place is huge and I really don't wanna -" "Go out the door on your left," Ashton interrupts you. "Do I have to?" you ask with an exasperated sigh. "Um, yes," he responds shortly, "Now head out the door and up the stairs. Oh, and good luck." With that Ashton hangs up again, leaving you to follow his instructions. You step out the door and start up the stairs. As you climb, you can't help but be reminded that an empty stairwell is probably an ideal spot for a murder. "Ashton, if you turn out to be a murderer I swear I'll kill you!" you shout your warning. You're nearing the top when suddenly you feel a hand grab your shoulder. You scream, whirling around to see a man in a clown mask. In a blind panic, you shove him. He yells as he topples down the stairs, and you instantly recognize the voice as Ashton's. "Ow," he groans weakly from the foot of the stairs. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin!" you scold as you stomp to the bottom of the stairs, "What were you thinking?!" "I thought it'd be funny to scare you," he explains as he pulls the mask off. "You gave me a heart attack!" you point out angrily. "Sorry," he mumbles, stifling his laughter. "I swear if you ever do that again I'll kill you," you warn. "You practically did," he mutters. "Are you alright?" you sigh as you extend your hand, helping him off the floor. "I'm fine," he chuckles, "Are you?" "I'm fine," you respond, rolling your eyes. "Sorry I scared you," Ashton offers lamely. "Sorry I beat you up," you return with a smirk.

Michael: "C'mon, we have to hide!" you giggle as you drag your boyfriend through the arena. "Slow down," he whines, trying to hold you back. "Ashton is almost done counting, and we aren't losing another round," you say firmly. Knowing he can't argue with you, Michael lets you pull him out of doors and through others in search of the perfect hiding place. "Here!" you say finally, squeezing into a cluttered utility closet with Michael behind you. "Great," you say, shutting the door and leaving the two of you in complete darkness, "Now we wait." "Waiting is boring," Michael whispers, sounding much closer to you than you had expected. "Where are you?" you ask, stretching out a hand to locate your boyfriend. Your hand lands on his chest and you stop. "Yep, that's me," he chuckles. "Oh, hi," you giggle. "Where are you?" you hear Michael ask before his lips touch your nose. "Almost there," you laugh, tilting your head up to connect your lips to Michael's. "That's me," you whisper into the kiss. "Oh, hi," Michael laughs back. You feel his hands wander down your body until they locate your hips. You pull away to catch your breath and ask, "How long do you think we have until he finds us?" "You hid us pretty well," Michael points out, "I'd say we have loads of time." "Good," you say, connecting your lips to Michael's again and letting him unzip your dress, dropping it to the floor. You disconnect your lips for a split second to pull Michael's shirt over his head. "I can't see," you explain as you search for his pants' button. Michael pulls away to unbutton his pants when suddenly the door is flung open. A shout of surprise comes from both you and Ashton as he slams the door shut again. "Oops," Michael mutters as the two of you fumble to redress in the dark. You slip out the door, your faces matching shades of crimson. "Found you," Ashton points out weakly. "Did we lose again?" Michael asks in surprise, seeing that Calum and Luke must still be hiding. Ashton nods and you groan in despair. "How'd you find us?" you ask in confusion. "I, uh, I heard you giggling," he points out with a laugh.

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