I'll Never Leave, Never Mind...

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"I'm home, baby!" Joe's clearly drunk voice woke me up. Blinking my tired eyes, I saw my boyfriend of 7 years standing at the edge of our bed. "Hey." I said, a little exhausted from being woken up. Joe quickly took his clothes off, only leaving his boxers. I pushed my body up a bit with my elbows, so that I almost was in a sitting position.

"How was work?" I asked Joe, trying to force a conversation. "Good." was all he answered, before climbing on his bed. He crawled on top of me, trying to push my blanket away. I was almost completely naked under the blanket, only wearing panties, since the weather had been exhaustingly hot lately. My hands automatically grabbed the blanket, not letting Joe take it.

Joe ignored it and lowered his face, just to kiss me. The kiss felt weird, not comfortable and not like Joe did it because he loved me. It felt very forced and his mouth tasted like alcohol. Placing both of my hands on Joe's chest, I pushed him away from me. "I'm sorry. I'm really not in the mood and I'm very tired." I explained, trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

My boyfriend grabbed my wrists and removed them from his chest, just to forcefully pin them down above my head. "Oww" I whined, because his roughness was anything but sexy. Men being rough with me turned me on, but not in this way. This time it just hurt. "Come on, Taylor. Just a quick fuck." Joe begged. "I said no. I'm not your toy, Joe!" I finally dared to say what I'd been thinking for months now.

In our 7 years together, Joe had never prioritized me or my needs. He fucked me whenever he wanted to, but avoided any kind of romantic interaction. As a very romantic person, it'd been hurting me for too long. I loved him a lot, I really did, but sometimes it felt one sided. Joe had been cheating on me many times, with prettier, skinnier and younger girls. He always came back to me, apologizing for his behavior and I had forgiven him, because I loved him more than anything.

Right now though, I felt nothing but pain. Emotional pain for what Joe has been putting me through for years.

I finally managed to leave Joe's hard grip. He let me go, after I said I wasn't his toy. Covering my tits with my shaky hands, I jumped up from the bed, making some distance between me ans Joe. My body was sweating and I started to feel very sick. "Taylor.." Joe started, making his way to me. Something inside of me didn't want him to touch me again, so I took a step back, as he reached out his hand to grab my face.

"Joe..this isn't working. You can't just fuck me whenever you feel like it. I know you've been cheating on me many times and I always forgave you, but I can't do this anymore. You come home late every night, never telling me where you've been. You're either drunk or smell like other girl's perfume. Joe, I love you. I just don't think our relationship isn't working anymore."

While finally speaking out my thoughts, I started sobbing heavily. I didn't want this to end. Joe was my everything and I had even cut off old friendships to make him happy. He just never gave me anything back and I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. My body was shaking even more, as I sank to the floor, breaking down into tears completely.

Joe was just standing there, watching my heart break. I buried my face in my knees, not wanting him to stare at my face any longer. After minutes, that felt like years, Joe stepped closer, bending down to me. "Are you breaking up with me?" he asked, as if it was casual. I lifted my head, looking into his dead eyes. There was no pain, no tears, no fear, just pure anger. "Yes." I managed to say, before another wave of sobbing hit me again.

Joe grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me up to my feet. He was facing me, his grip tightening around my arms. "You're probably breaking up with me, so you can fuck another man. Am I right? You're a fucking slut, Taylor." Joe yelled.
"N..no. Joe, I would never cheat on you. YOU are the one cheating all the time, thinking I won't notice. I'm not stupid, Joe. It's over." I tried to sound tough, although my heart was breaking into a million pieces right now.

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