The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

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TW: disgusting man


"What do you think?" I asked Abigail, as I stepped out of her bathroom. "Oh my god, Taylor. You look so amazing. I bet every guy would die to fuck you, if you're looking this hot." Abigail cheered me up, admitting my outfit for tonight, while I turned around to show her every angle of it. "Nahhh, it's not that hot." I disagreed. "Shut up, gorgeous bitch." Abigail and I started laughing and left the bathroom.

Tonight we'd be going in a club, trying to distract ourselves from being single. We weren't very lucky with men at the moment, so why not having fun tonight?

My outfit was pretty basic. I was wearing a tight black dress with a round, deep neck, showing off my cleavage a bit. It was very short, barely covering my ass. Showing off that much skin didn't make me too happy, since I was a little insecure about the few pounds that I had gained this summer, but Abigail had persuaded me to buy this dress.

My best friend had done my hair and makeup, since she was a lot better at it than I was. She left my hair pretty natural, keeping my natural curls and just styling it a bit. For my face she had done full face makeup and my casual red lipstick. I always loved the way it turned out, when she did my makeup.

Abigail's outfit was a purple tube top, paired with a short white skirt. She was looking amazing, just as always.

"Let's go, Taylor. It's 9 already." Abigail said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me downstairs. We stepped out of my best friend's front door, locked it and went to Abigail's car. She was 19, had a license and a car, while I was 18 and also had a license, but the car was missing. I just couldn't afford it, since I was still a student.

Abigail and I stepped out of her car, shutting the doors behind us. The party location was a small club, owned by some rich teenagers, who always hosted parties there. Tonight would be my first time going to this kind of party, so I was a little nervous. At least I had Abigail, who was partying very often.

Well, at least I thought I had her. As we entered the building, the smell of alcohol and smoke caught me immediately. I saw many people dancing half naked, most of them making out. Something about this made me very uncomfortable.

"Oh my god, Taylor!! Jack is here!" Abigail told me, excitedly shaking my arm. Jack was my best friend's crush and probably the reason why she wanted to go here. Abigail pointed at him and my eyes followed her finger. He was leaning against a wall, talking to another man his age.

"Would you mind if I said hi? I promise I'll come back!! I'm not leaving my bestie alone." Abigail asked, giving me her best puppy eyes.
"No, it's fine. Have fun!!" I said, smiling at her. I knew she really liked that boy, but the thought of being alone in this club made me a little uncomfortable.

My best friend left and suddenly I felt very alone. I couldn't see Abigail anymore, because she got lost in the crowd. Maybe I should just get a drink. My body felt a little dehydrated.

Walking over to the bar, I suddenly felt someone's hand sliding over my butt. I turned around immediately, but there were too many people to tell who had actually touched me. Maybe it was accidentally. Physical touch was inescapable in this crowd, but it still made me feel weird.

"What do you want, lady?" the barkeeper asked, giving me an exhausted look. "Um..a coke please." I ordered, not wanting to drink any alcohol tonight. "I'm gonna pay for her." I heard a male voice behind me. I turned around and saw a small man, giving me a weird grin. His eyes were undressing me, but not in a sexy way. I shivered a bit in discomfort.

"Oh, no need for that." I said and laughed awkwardly, covering my mouth with my hand. The way the man was staring at my cleavage made me wanna leave this club immediately. "No problem, baby girl. I have enough money."he gave me that weird grin again, trying to impress me. The way he said baby girl made me cringe.

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