Chapter - 26 Meeting the Future In-laws ( 2 March 1995 )

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Voldemort thought he’d known what to expect as they apparated to the gates of the castle, but a sulking, green-haired Sirius Black with his hands crossed before him, and Severus leaning back against a tree with a pleased-looking shark-like grin on his face, definitely wasn’t it.

Next to them stood a tall, dark-haired man that clearly wasn’t Gilderoy Lockhart, meaning that it could only be Salazar Slytherin who had forgone his disguise in Dumbledore’s absence. The man looked quite exasperated at his mates’ antics, but there was also a fond look in his eyes that he didn’t even try to hide.

Voldemort felt a tug on his arm before Dimitri was rushing off to hug his godfathers, and Voldemort took note of how the three men’s faces brightened at the sight of the young man.

A sense of yearning rushed through his body before he could stop it and he quickly tried to shove it down, it wouldn’t do to dwell on what could have been in the past.

But his link with Dimitri had the young man freezing in his tracks before turning back and stomping over to the Dark Lord with an exasperated expression of his own as he grabbed Voldemort’s arm and lightly dragged him towards the other three men, “Just so you know, I don’t plan on letting you go and they will technically be your in-laws once I come of age so you might as well get used to having a family. Besides, you are also meeting your last living family member, not just mine.”

Voldemort’s head snapped back towards the Founder as he realized that Dimitri was right. Even if they were separated by centuries, Salazar Slytherin was indeed family.

They approached the three men and Voldemort was surprised to see the same longing mirrored in the Founder’s eyes as he glanced at him. It seems he wasn’t the only one that craved a familial connection with someone. That alone calmed him and he lightly squeezed Dimitri’s hand in thanks.

Sirius and Severus watched him warily as he approached and Voldemort held out his hand in a familiar gesture that had Severus slightly paling, yet still stepping forward and holding out his arm.

Voldemort was aware of Sirius and Salazar backing down as Dimitri smiled to reassure them when they stepped forward to defend their mate.

After casting a dome of privacy around the group, Voldemort lightly grasped the other man’s arm and turned it slightly, “I can only think of one way to repay you for your aid throughout these years, but you will always be welcomed”. He pulled up Severus’ sleeve and lightly hissed at the mark, causing the other man to gasp as the mark peeled itself off before scattering into ashes around them.

Nothing more needed to be said as Severus nodded his thanks with a slight bow, and Salazar finally stepped forward to break the tension, “I believe we have much to discuss and to my knowledge, you haven’t managed to find my hidden chambers yet. Come.”

Voldemort frowned in confusion and glanced at Dimitri, who shrugged. Even Sirius and Severus were looking at the man as if he’d grown a second head and Salazar grinned, “The Chamber of Secrets had actually been a project that Godric had dragged Rowena and Helga into making with him because I tended to leave Selene to guard my brewing rooms while I was busy. Unfortunately, my rooms had been in the middle of the castle at that time and it had stopped many students from getting to their classes because they were too scared to pass by her.”

Voldemort could easily picture something like that and Dimitri burst out laughing next to him. The Founder nodded and Voldemort broke the dome of privacy as they made their way into the castle. They soon found themselves at the Astronomy tower and all four men looked around curiously as the Salazar stepped towards the middle of the room.

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