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🎧: Nightcall - Kavinsky


Me and the others woke up early this morning. We were going skiing and snowboarding which was very exciting for me.

We were sitting downstairs at the table, eating breakfast. There was waffles and pancakes placed in the middle with variety of different toppings.

I sat between Levi and my sister Sophia. Jamal was sitting in front of me, but didn't pay much attention to me. I didn't know how to feel about it but decided not to start anything. Not today.

I took a bite out of my waffle with some whipped cream on top of it and it left some of the cream behind on top of my nose.

- You have some whipped cream on your nose. - Levi noticed and wiped it away with his thumb.

I could feel my cheeks warm up and i prayed they weren't flushed up red. I didn't know why i reacted this way to Levi's touch.

Yeah sure he was attractive but i never felt anything to him besides pure friendship. My feelings were confusing me and i hated it a lot.

- Thanks. - I muttered and wiped my mouth with my sleeve as looking up at Jamal.

He was staring at the two of us with pure jealousy. I knew that look and i hated when he watched me like that. It felt as if i couldn't interact with anyone because he'd get upset.

- Mel you've never done snowboarding, right? - Leroy directed his question to me as taking a sip of his warm coffee.

- No, and that's why i'll try today. - I replied with full confidence.

- If you fall can we laugh? - Levi asked as turning his gaze to me.

I eyed him with my eyebrow raised and a warning look, letting him know that it wasn't alright to laugh or make fun of me no matter what.

- Right, sorry. - He turned away and went back to eating his food.

- Jay i thought you could show me how? You've done it before. - I asked the boy sitting in front of me making him look up from his plate and focus on me.

He didn't know what or how to reply to my question. He almost seemed to be lost and confused which surprised me a lot.

- Uh, sure. - He answered with a shrug. - What time are we leaving?

- Like an hour. - Kai acknowledged. - We'll walk it's not too far from here.

Jamal nodded his head and stood up from the seat, then picking up his plate and walked to the kitchen. Sophia glanced at me and shrugged.

- He's so weird. It's making me mad at this point. - She admitted.

- He was all cold with me yesterday so you're right. - I agreed. - I'll go talk to him. Or at least try. - I widened my eyes as standing up and picking up my plate.

My sister nodded her head and let me go wishing me a silent good luck. I made my way to the kitchen where i found Jamal. He was washing up his plate in complete silence.

- I don't wanna have this small talk again Melodie. - He acknowledged as i entered the room.

I was surprised that he could hear me walk in since the running water was loud enough and i tried to be quiet and discreet about it.

AFTER HOURS - jamal musialaWhere stories live. Discover now