patience is key to win all battles [sike]

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   The next morning

   Mika stirred under her blanket, trying to find the motivation to stand up. She yawned and stretched but immediately froze when she heard loud shouting and the unmistakable sounds of chaos echoing through the house 'well shit there does any chance of today being peaceful' Mika thought to herself as she hurriedly got up.

  “What... now?” Mika groaned as she made her way to the living room.

   She rubbed her eyes and sighed, trying to shake off the exhaustion. The once quiet and cozy room from last night was now in complete disarray. Pillows were thrown everywhere, the blanket forts were destroyed, and popcorn littered the floor. The distant shouting grew louder.

   “Why am I not surprised...” Mika murmured as she followed the noise into the kitchen, where she found the source of the chaos. The demons, of course.

   And now presenting the disasters

   In the kitchen, Rei stood in front of the microwave with Gyuutaro and Daki, the trio staring at the device like it was a puzzle.

   On the counter, Rui sat cross-legged, sipping orange juice with Akira lounged beside him, watching the chaos unfold with a smirk.

   "Are you sure this is how humans cook?" Daki asked, tilting her head and squinting at the microwave’s glowing screen.

   "Of course!" Rei said confidently, her brain still half-asleep and making questionable decisions. "I saw it in one of those moving-picture boxes—uh, 'television'. It's quick, we just need to put everything in here."

   Gyuutaro frowned, holding a raw fish by its tail. "But can this 'Instant Cooker' even handle this? It looks like it's gonna explode," he said, eyeing the microwave as if it were a time bomb.

   Rei waved her hand dismissively. "Don’t worry. Humans use this 'Food Box' all the time, no explosions. It just heats things up fast. Trust me." She shoved the fish into the microwave, set it for 10 minutes, and pressed start.

   Akira watched the whole scene unfold, grinning behind her glass of orange juice. "I can't wait for this to explode," she muttered to Rui, who nodded sagely, taking a slow sip from his glass.

   "What's it doing now?" Gyuutaro asked, watching the fish rotate inside the microwave. "It's spinning like it's possessed." And Akira's laugh could be heard in the background.

  "it probably had unfinished business and is going to rise from the dead to take revenge on the fisherman" Akira cheered as she giggled.

   "Like that Frankenstein guy I saw him in a movie" Rui added.
   "Yeah just like that let's call him fishenstein" Akira laughed as they both just continued watching
   "The 'Food Tornado Maker' is working," Rei said, completely serious. "It needs to spin for... balance, or something."

   The microwave hummed, but a few minutes in, an odd popping sound came from within. Smoke started to form behind the microwave door.

   "Uh… is it supposed to do that?" Daki asked, stepping back, her brows furrowed.

   Rei blinked, her confidence faltering. "Maybe? I don't remember smoke in the tutorial..."

   Before they could react, the microwave let out a loud BANG, and the door burst open slightly, smoke billowing out. The kitchen filled with the smell of burnt fish.

   "Noo not Fishenstein how could you" Akira exclaimed dramatically.

   "It's a doggy dog world" Rui muttered shaking his head.

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