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With Edward gone, the Cullens were stressed beside Emmett and Sara-Beth. They made it clear that they will not get dragged into what ever is going on. Whatever happens will be Edward's problem. Not Emmett and Sara-Beth's. Emmett looked at the blonde as she slept and decided to take her on a date. A place she never has been to. Just them and away from whatever his family will try to drag him in.

Sara-Beth sighed in her sleep as she was having a good dream, but knew it was impossible. A dream of her and Emmett chasing a beautiful little girl with blonde hair laughing as her parents were chasing her, but then there was the bump she was seeing causing her to smile. "Sara?" She heard Emmett and woke up.

"What?" She asked.

"You're crying, baby. Is something wrong?"

The blonde touched her cheek to realize she was crying. "It's nothing serious. Just a dream." She tells him.

"Tell me, baby. I want to know what it was about. I won't even get mad."

"Mad?" She questioned. "Emmett, I don't think you would get mad, but I think it will make you more upset." She tells him. "Since you want to know, I had a dream of us chasing a beautiful little girl and I was pregnant with our second child. That was the dream."

Emmett smiled as he kissed her head. "One day, we will make that dream come true, but I don't know if I'm able to have children with you though. It's not been heard of."

Sara-Beth smiled as she straddled him. "It's just a dream, Emmett. As much as we would like that, but we both know it can't happen." She says as Emmett ran his hands up and down her sides. "One day, we can talk about adopting because no matter what I will always love you and whatever child comes our way."

Emmett kissed her causing Sara-Beth to smile. Only Emmett could put a smile on her face and she was happy with this life. She moved her hand down to grab his dick and position it with her, she slide down causing them both to moan. "Baby..." he moaned as he felt her slowly moving. "I love you."

"I love you." She moaned out. "No more talking."


Moving up and down, they both moaned forgetting about school and everything else. It was them in their own little world.
Alice walked to the others, but stopped as she was having a vision.

"Mommy, daddy, look at what I made for my baby brother."

Seeing Emmett and a very pregnant Sara-Beth smiling at the little girl. "It's beautiful, Cameron." Emmett tells her.

The little girl smiled at them as Sara-Beth kissed her head.


"I don't know what I saw, but....I think Sara-Beth has a gift. A gift that has never been heard of." She tells Jasper. "We have to talk to Carlisle unless what I saw was an adoption then her being able to have kids."

Jasper couldn't believe what he was hearing. His sister may have a gift to have kids, but don't know for sure. He hopes to find out for Sara-Beth and Emmett. Especially his sister.

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