OO7 .. summer

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Chappell was already a giggling mess by the time she got to her front door. She had struggled to get the key in it's hole as she tried to make conversation with Iggy.

They were now stood in Chappell's front room. The couch was short and draped in Bohemian fabrics. Potted palnts were shoved in every corner of the room and yet fake vines framed the television. The kitchen did not match this vibe at all. Mahogany cupboards did not seem to match her pastel appliances. Chappell had not invited many people over and it was only now she realised how strange they paired together.

Iggy placed herself on the couch, looking back up at the redhead, expecting something. Chappell handed her a soda from the grey refrigerator as she darted to the other room. She brought back a large blanket and the bag of gummies she had left unopened on her nightstand. Her nail Polish collection was already there on the coffee table. She hoped that Iggy wouldn't notice that it was what Chappell had been driving of ever since she suggesting going to the diner.

It took eight minutes for them to land on a movie to watch. Chappell had attempted to suggest all of her favourites, but all Iggy had to say was "OK."

About halfway through 500 Days of Summer, Chappell rested her head against Iggy's shoulder, her arms wrapped around her knees. She didn't once think to consider what the message of the movie was as she got cosier.

She sat up again once the film finished, moving to close the blinds. "Can I do your nails?" Chappell smiled.

"Oh, sure." Iggy flexed her fingers. Chappell got to work straight away. She had to pretend that she hadn't been scrolling as many nail art posts as possible for inspiration. She shaped the nails until they were flat and short. Chappell removed a few shades of blue before she put a bottom coat on.

They turned out just as she had wanted them to. She had even managed to sculpt a tiny starfish on Iggy's ring finger. The entire set had a oceanic theme.

"Do you like them?" Chappell's face was full of hope.

Iggy let a short smile open on her face, "Yeah, they're cool."

The pair locked eyes, Chappell's focus now deeply settled in Iggy's eyes. She couldn't help but think that she was seeing something deeper. Something more to Iggy that she was yet to dive into the depths of.

She shuffled closer, placing a hand on Iggy's shoulder. Chappell needed to know waht she was getting herself into. There was so much more to Iggy that she hadn't learnt yet, she needed to get closer.

Their lips were connected. It had taken her by shock as Iggy pulled her closer, tugging at her heartstrings. She let Iggy take the lead, falling into the rhythm of their lips. How had she known? Chappell knew what she felt but she thought she had somewhat of a poker face.

The moment was over as soon as it started. It rushed past like a dream and Iggy smirked and turned back to watch the final act of the film. Chappell tried to savour that moment, questioning everything around her. That felt like a rush of fantasy that her mind had tricked her into. But it was real, and it was going to be Chappell's obsession forevermore.

"So, what did you think?" Those were the first words uttered since the kiss. The credits began crawling across the screen, not that Chappell needed to ask her tohughts either. Her mind had been caught up, her eyes had kept flickering back to gauge Iggy's reaction every twenty seconds.

"I didn't get it. Why did he even bother chasing after her? He knew it would end badly."

"Yeah well," Chappell scratched at the back of her neck, "He thought it was worth it."

Iggy scoffed, making something shake inside of the redhead. "Well, I guess some people aren't that smart."

Chappell felt the night slip out of her grasp. The perfect night was ending. Iggy picked herself up, not even bothering to look at Chappell as she went to the door. "Thanks."

"Oh, you're welcome, did you have a nice time?"

"Hm, yeah."

The door slammed. Chappell could have burst out crying right there and then, but Iggy's spell had worked it's way into her soul and kept her caged. That was what love was, right?

── blue speaks !

[ 🐚 ] please why is this fandom so lovely like you have all been so supportive of this book I was so scared that it'd flop so thank you for engaging with the book and giving it a chance :) i will work my ass off to get this fic finished during school don't you worry

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