OO8 .. daydream

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The slow breeze blew up from the ocean as Chappell knocked at Elia's door. Her small apartment was one of Chappell's favourite places. She loved being able to relax into the room, taking her place to gossip like two old ladies.

Elia's smile greeted her at the door and led her to the couch. Gordon Ramsey was on the television screen, barking orders at shaky chefs. Chappell pulled her favourite cushion over her lap as two diet sodas were brought out. They sat together for a while, enjoying each other's company.

"So, how have things been going with your uncle?" Chappell looked up at the brunette.

"Hmm, not the best. He's had a couple prank calls from middle schoolers, one angry aunt call in and someone giving him riddles."

Chappell sat up a little a that, "Riddles? We can solve riddles, what was it?"

"Oh, God," Elia shook through her memories, remembering each word, "No, something about the water. Yes, and the moon." Chappell looked at her dumbfounded. "I didn't expect you to get it either."

Their attention turned back towards the screen, Chappell imagining what the moon meant.

"How are things with you and Iggy going?" Elia glanced over, her eyes fixed on Chappell's flushing cheeks.

"Good, they are going really good. She's coni g round tomorrow, actually. Do you wanna join?"

"No." Elia did not hesitate or feign politeness, the soda can crunching slightly in her grasp. "It's alright."

"You know, I wanted to ask you a favour," The redhead edged closer to the end of her seat, pulling closer to Elia. "I want help redecorating my spare room."

"Oh, you're finally redoing that? Why, are you making it a study?"

Chappell shook her head. "I want to surprise Iggy with it. I want her to feel at home in this town."

Elia smiled, but anyone could see how crushed her soul was at that. Except, of course, Chappell. "What did I tell you?"

Chappell stood on her feet, feeling an alien anger inside of her, "I'm allowed to be nice to my friends!"

"But it's more than that, isn't it? You love her, and it's so obvious!" Elia stayed seated, her voice projecting as though they were mountains apart.

Chappell scoffed, "It isn't that big of a deal! It doesn't have to be exclusively her room, Jesus, I didn't think you'd get mad."

"Me? Mad? This is all on you, Chappell. I'm just aware of what's going to happen when you realise that all of this is for nothing!"

A silence sliced through them. Like a pasue in a cat fight, all the pair could do was stare back at the other before fighting again. Elia meant nothing by what she just said, Chappell reminded herself. She didn't need to worry about that, because Iggy and her were something. They had to be something.

But she backed down. Chappell took her things from the floor, looking around at the room that now chilled her spine. Fifteen seconds was all it took to change Chappell's view on the entire room. Now it felt soulless and pained her to stand inside of. "Tell me if you get any other evidence. I'll see you around."

Elia did not respond, her eyes trailing the redhead as she snuck out the door. Chappell had stolen something that made that room feel alive.

Now without anywhere better to go, Chappell turned down Spite Lane and headed straight into her guest bedroom. She tore away the the old bedding and set out a plan of action. She just hoped that Iggy really did love the ocean as much as Chappell believed.

Old blue bedsheets were snipped and sewn at to make jellyfish that hung from the ceiling. The furniture was all deep cleaned and polished so the wooden grains were obvious. Old magazines she had found whilst cleaning were chopped and collaged on to a welcome card. Chappell only left one thing in the drawers: her favourite bra.

Would that be enough to win Iggy over?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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