Chapter 2

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Siobhans POV

I sat myself down in the office hoping to see Vivian even for seconds, a minute, a glimpse of her would be good enough but I also wanted to speak to her, try explain myself. She'd started distancing herself from me once she got engaged but I was hoping we could back to the way things were. After a few minutes I glimpsed blue. The shirt Vivian always wore. My eyes widened. Could it be her? Maybe she'd want to talk to Marjorie and autumn, come into the office? I was trying not to get my hopes up. I looked down at the computer I was "working" on pretending to concentrate when I heard footsteps. I looked up. It was her. She made eye contact before looking at the ground "is Marjorie and autumn around?" She questioned me still looking at the ground. "No but is there anything I can help you with?" I offered. She looked around sighing and exasperated sigh. "It's just um I'd like to unenroll Jamie for next week" I watched her shrug. I nodded. "That's fine um listen Viv-" she cut me off like she always did nowadays. "I'd better be going I've got work just get Marjorie or autumn to text me" not looking at me she exited leaving me sat alone at the desk, completely disappointed.

I love you I'm sorry (a Shivian story) Where stories live. Discover now