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Over the next few days, Josh's visits to the house became more frequent. Each time he arrived, his easy charm and genuine interest in making me feel at home was a welcome change from the strained interactions with Aries.

Josh had taken it upon himself to show me around the estate, pointing out its various quirks and hidden gems. We spent afternoons exploring the gardens and evenings chatting over coffee. It was refreshing to have someone who seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me, not just as Aries' wife, but as Vivian.

Aries, on the other hand, was increasingly distant. He was buried in work, often leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. When he was home, he was preoccupied, barely noticing the dynamic between Josh and me.

One evening, after another day with Josh, I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when he wandered in. His visit was becoming a routine that I looked forward to. We talked about everything from books to travel, and his presence had become a comforting distraction from the growing tension with Aries.

As I chopped vegetables, Josh leaned casually against the counter, his tone light. "You know, I never thought I'd find someone who could match my enthusiasm for food. You're a great cook."

I laughed, enjoying the easy banter. "Thank you. I've always enjoyed cooking. It's nice to have someone appreciate it."

Josh smiled and glanced around the kitchen. "How about I help you tonight? I promise I won't mess things up."

"I'd appreciate that," I said, handing him a small task. His presence was comforting, and the way he interacted with me made the house feel less like a cage.

As we worked together, Aries walked in, clearly tired and stressed from his day. His eyes flicked between Josh and me, a muscle in his jaw twitching slightly. He greeted us with a curt nod before heading to the dining table, his expression a mix of exhaustion and irritation.

Josh, ever observant, noticed the change in the atmosphere. "Hey, Aries. Long day?"

Aries nodded, his response terse. "You could say that. Thanks for keeping Vivian company."

Josh, unfazed by Aries' tone, grinned. "Anytime. We've been having a great time getting to know each other."

The statement was innocent enough, but Aries' eyes darkened slightly. He forced a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm sure."

Dinner was a tense affair. Aries seemed preoccupied, his responses clipped and his gaze fixed on his plate. Josh and I continued to chat, the ease between us a stark contrast to the tension that filled the room.

After dinner, as Josh prepared to leave, Aries' demeanor was even more noticeable. He didn't make an effort to hide his disapproval. He stood by the door, his expression cold as Josh said his goodbyes.

"See you soon, Vivian," Josh said with a warm smile.

"Definitely," I replied, returning his smile.

As Josh left, Aries' gaze followed him with a clear hint of jealousy. Once the door closed behind Josh, Aries turned to me, his voice low and tense. "You seem to be getting quite close with Josh."

I looked at him, surprised by the edge in his voice. "He's been really helpful. He's a good friend."

Aries' jaw tightened. "I see."

Wait.. is he jealous?

The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken emotions. I could tell that Aries was struggling with feelings of jealousy and frustration. He had always been distant, but now there was something else in his eyes—something that suggested he was uncomfortable with the growing bond between Josh and me.

"Aries, if you're concerned about something, you should just say it," I said, trying to break the tension.

He glanced away, clearly struggling to maintain his composure. "It's nothing. Just... make sure you don't get too comfortable with Josh."

The warning was vague but clear. I couldn't ignore the underlying message. I had no intention of disrupting anything, but it was hard not to notice that Aries' irritation was directly related to the time I spent with Josh.

As Aries walked away, I felt a mix of emotions. The comfort and ease I found in Josh's company contrasted sharply with the tension and distance I experienced with Aries.

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