i fight a dragon and save two idiots and a cyclops

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"Fuck my Life" how is it possible that i Always have to get in this situation, oh right i broke Luke nose.

Before i could move i heard movement coming from behind me, as i turned around i saw this big dragon looking at me

"Hiiiiii, so you are the One that should eat me" as i said so the dragon charged, before thinking about It slide under It and trying to cut off his stomach but his belly and his whole skin was hard as Stone, as i tried so my sword broke"For God's ...

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"Hiiiiii, so you are the One that should eat me" as i said so the dragon charged, before thinking about It slide under It and trying to cut off his stomach but his belly and his whole skin was hard as Stone, as i tried so my sword broke
"For God's sake, what to do? what to do?" As he charged at me again i did something really stupid i jumped in his mouth "let's see how you like getting Frozen from inside" as i said so i put my hands on his tongue and i started freezing It as fast as i could.
As i froze his tongue he spitted me out and ran in a corner of the cage

"Good now let's find a way to get out of  here" As i walked around the big Cage i found a Door "well lets make this Door fall down" i froze the Door and then i kicked It down

"Good now im out, lets get the two idiots out of Luke office, and save that poor cyclops from Annabeth and Percy bickering as a married couple found a couple to tease" i finished what i was saying smirking

As i walked towards the bridge where Luke suite was, but, before i could get another flight of stairs an alarm started ringign
I looked around and saw no one "yay It wasnt me" i started walking towards the pool when i started running "if It wasnt me then It was those two idiots!"

I reached the pool taking out my dagger and my shield, as i saw Percy and Annabeth i saw that they were also trying to put a lifeboat in the Sea
"HEY!" the Monsters and demigods turned at me , you all would Say not a good idea, but i grabbed my shield with both my hands and slammed the bottom on the ground blinding for a short period of time all the Monsters and demigods

I ran at my two friends and at Tyson (who i did trust but i didnt know him enough to call him friend) pushed them in the lifeboat and cut down the boat strings

"Hold tight" screamed Percy as he grabbed a termos "what are you gonna give us the last coffe..." I wasnt able to finish talking because of the Wind that came out of the termos
Annabeth and Percy tried to call Chiron, but there wasnt enough field.
Luckily for them the goddess of rainbow shower them Chiron
"Percy" Chiron screamed at him "you have tò be on guard"
"What?!" Screamed back Percy
"Damned relatives" i looked up at Chiron from over their head
"He's with his relatives i tought he didnt like them" as i said so Chirong looked at me for a minute before whispering my name and turning to Annabeth "Annabeth you shouldnt have let Percy to run away from the Camp! But if you get the Fleece…"

"Yeah baby" someone screamed over Chiron
"Miami" as he said so the call ended
"You two did What?!" I said at the two "i tought you two were given this Quest!" They both looked at me shame fully "we will tell you later, Percy where are we?" "36 degrees 44 minutes north latitude, 76 degrees and 2 minutes west longitude"
I looked grinding at Percy "we have a marine compass" "its thank to your father" said Annabeth
"I love that you talk like lovebirds but we have tò get away from the Coast Guard Boat" they both looked at me blushing slightly "l-let's go tò Chesapeake Bay i know a Place where we can Hide" said Annabeth as we reached the shore She guided us to a camouflaged shelter.

"And halfblood shelter, did you build this Place?" Asked Percy "yes we build it, me and Thalia and Luke" She whispered the last name
"Wont he look for us here?" "No we build a dozen of shelters around here, and i Don't think her Remembers"i looked at the two smiling "Tyson can you go and look around if you find something to eat?" Tyson nodded and went to look for some food, Snake meant Isnt so bad "he let us go too easily" said Annabeth "talk for yourself not easy to freeze a dragon tongue" as they kept talking i ignored them as They did with me, looking around the shelters i found a quiver full of arrows and a bow "Yes!"

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