Grover gets High on coffee

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As we got down the train we now were in the outskirts of a little ski resort hidden by the mountains.
the sign had written on it: Welcome to Cloudcroft, New Mexico. the air was cold and it was all covered in snow, well if someone didnt know me  he would have tought i was crazy, as i took out my jacket and hoodie wearing only my T-shirt and lying in the snow smiling like an idiot
“Is That normal” asked Thalia, Percy and Bianca
“yes, Y/N being the son of Khione has no problems with cold ice or snow, he just stays dressed as a normal human being not wanting to draw too much attention” said Grover and Zoe at the same time, as they said so i grabbed a snow ball and threw it against Percy face.
“Y/N dress up again” said Zoe “We need to find a way to get away from here”
“We need to go and save lady Artemis”
“Oh right… so what now?”
“well there is no nus station, no taxi or car rent. No way of exit” said thalia after we reached the center of the city
“But there is a coffee shop” said Grover happily
“Yes” said Zoe “Coffee is good”
“And sweets too” said grover dreamily “and wax paper”
“Fine, Y/N you go with the coffee addicts here” said thalia “Me percy and Bianca will go and look at the shop, and try to get from information”

“Soo who has money to pay?” asked Grover
“i have some, enough to get some coffees and some sweets for all of us” i said while looking at the list of coffees
“Grover can you go check the others out?” said Zoe
“Please just a minute” she said, he nodded and went to the others
“So what is it Lieutant? something bothering you?” she nodded her eyes had purple shades under it “Nightshade” i joked about her eyes
“you have dark shades under your eyes possibly because you arent sleeping at night so Nightshades” she looked at me and let out a giggle “You idiot”
“so what is bothering you?” i asked after ordering the six drinks and looking at her
“This quest and what it will happened at the end of it”
“Dont worry i promised artemis i would make sure the hunters would be all alive for christmas, so you wont die wheter the fates like it or not”She nodded
“so what else is bothering you?” before She could answer the coffee shop employee told to us said
“If you two are done flirting with each other your orders Is ready” i turned around to tell him to shut up, but before doing that i grabbed Zoe by the scruff of her jacket and stopped her
“Let's go he Is not work your time” i grabbed our orders and started walking out of the coffee shop while making sure that Zoe walked infront of me, so She couldnt kill the poor employee.
“We dont ever talk about this to anyone, if you do i swear i'll put a Arrow between your legs"

As we were all drinking or eating i felt a breath of warm air that was out of place with all the snow, Percy rubber rat started running around and Grover started talking like someone who just got High "the woods, it is a gift from the woods"
"Grover are you alright?" I asked
"It's a gift" as he said that he fell down
"Guys there is a little problem" said Bianca
"Worse that Grover getting High on coffee?!" I asked a little tired of all this
"Yes, skeletons warriors"
"Oh fantastic, so lets get all in a circle and let's try to protect Grover!"
As i said so everybody got it's weapons out, i took out my shield and got an idea "Zoe remember what we tried with Artemis?"
"The Jump?" I grinned at her
"The what now?" I looked at Percy as he said that
"Percy you have to learn how to fight with different people, try to learn how to use your strenghts, and add them to the strenghts of the others'"
"Now Zoe!"
I crouched a little so She Jump, as She landed on the shield i used my strenghts to give her a jump boost, as She did so i ran at the first skeleton, went behind him and grabbed him, using the skeleton as a shield with Zoe   shooting arrows at the Warrior as She landed i pushed It to the ground and broken it's back before running to the others with Zoe
"Well that worked" i told her grinning
"Yes but he didnt stay down much"
He looked at me angrier  that his other Brothers, One shot at Percy, who after getting shot didn't fall to the ground, but slashed at the Warrior making It fall and then reassemble itself
Bianca then went with a stab with her knife and the warrior burned down to the ground
"Well It worked!" I said happily
"But how?"
"Don't care right now but try and do It again!" Zoe yelled her
Bianca tired again but It didnt work, i then heard Grover Say "It's a blessing"
As he said so this big boar came out from the woods
"Yeah I really feel blessed!" Screamed Percy back to Grover
The boar charged at the skeleton sending them in a billboard
"Well he did us a favor" i said bit the hog turned his head at us
"I should learn to shut up"
"Yes you should" Zoe said to me
"Well what do we do?"i asked hoping somebody answered me
"We run!" As Percy said so i grabbed Grover over my shoulder and started following Bianca and Zoe while Percy and Thalia were running the other way.

As I looked at them i felt Grover come back to his senses
"Y/N why are you dragging me around?" I looked at him
"Well you were High on coffee my friend so can you run?"
"Yes why?"
"We have to look for Percy and Thalia they were followed by your so called blessing" said Zoe

As we reached the two i saw the boar face first into the snow "well how do we go down?"
"Like this" as Zoe said so She pushed me down the slope before i tought of doing anything i reached Thalia and Percy
"Hi guys"
"Guys you all are safe!" Said Grover
I looked at Zoe "Why did you push me down?"
"You were there" i grabbed some snow and pushed It down the shirt of her shirt
"Sorry you were there" i looked at them all "so what do we use to reach wherever Artemis Is?"
"Using the boar" said Grover
"Yeah it's a good way to travel trought the country" said Zoe
"Fine then"

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