The Lion, the helicopter and the homeless god

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“Perseus Jackson” i roared at him
Both Zoe and Bianca had their arrows nocked and pointed at his chest
“Luke” he said without breath “He’s here”
as he said so i saw Thalia anger grow weaker after hearing the name of Luke “where?”
He told us everything that happened to him and his meeting with the general
“The general is here?!” she looked at him shocked “You are lying”

I looked at him “Unluckily for us he isnt, Thorn tried to take me to him, saying that the General missed his torture toy” i looked at them “fantastic It still soundsweird”
“Wait what!? you have been tortured!” said Bianca, who didnt know “Not thew moment Bianca”
“He has skelethon warriors”
“FUCK! Why are we Always so lucky!” i screamed
“How many?” asked thalia ignoring me, “twelve, but he said another thing to keep you occupied”
“well we have to go”  said thalia worried
“Good idea”
“i wasnt including you boy” said Zoe “You are not part of this quest”
“Zoe i understand you, i really do, but the idiot is here, he tried to save our life, we cant just abandon him here” She was going to answer to me when thalia cut her off
“percy come and lets go to the van”
“It’s not your decision to make!” snapped Zoe
“You are not the head of this Quest. i don't care how old are you! You will always be a spoiled brat!” i slapped thalia hard leaving a mark on her cheek all of the others looked at me
“You never thought before speaking did you thalia! you don't know who she is, what she did or what her life has been like! You run your mouth and don't accept when others are the bosses of you, you snap at people for no motive! Like you did with me when we lost annabeth, because you think you are the only one suffering, now shut up! This is Zoe quest, she decides, Percy Thalia I dont want to hear you answering at Zoe about her decisions if they arent life threatening!”

As I finished talking i hear a roar and turned around, “Kitty!” i heard a kid scream
“the Nemean Lion” said thalia “Dont move”
“Zoe what is the plan?” i asked ignoring thalia
“keep him distracted till i dont find a way to kill him”
“Nice, Grover distract the mortals, Thalia, Percy on his sides, Bianca follow Zoe”
“What about you?” asked me Percy
“Hey kitty!” the others looked at me as if i was stupid wich i was “want to play?”
it roared back at me
“come here then” as he jumped towards me i froze the floor making the kitty slip on it
“The mouth is it’s weak spot!” screamed Percy
“Percy are you kidding me! a normal lion would kill you without a problem, this one is bigger, angrier and didnt have a mint in so much time”
As i said so the infernal Kitty gave me an High five without me expecting It, and i flew into a Wall
"Y/N!" I Heard Zoe Scream at me
I looked up and i saw the catsaurus of death looming over me before he could do anything i decided to do what i did with the dracon on Luke ship, freeze it's tongue as i reached the for It the Lion closed its mouth around my hand, cutting two fingers off my right hand and throwing me tò the other side of the room
"Fuck that didnt work out"
As i said so i saw Percy distracting the Lion and throwing the sword at him and then throwing inside it's mouth freeze-dried ice cream
"Zoe shoot inside it's mouth now!" As Percy screamed so Zoe and Bianca started shooting their arrows inside the Lion mouth, who died and at his place there was only his skin

"Well and this Is done too! Yay, now lets go, Somebody grab that Lion coat and lets go inside that van and run" i told them
"Y/N what about your hand?" Bianca asked i looked down at my missing ring finger and at my missing little finger
"I'll get inside that van and then i'll think of it" not the Moment
As we got in the van i noticed Percy was wearing a new jacket probably the Lion skin
"Zoe you drive, somebody pass me some bandages and maybe a cube of ambrosia" as i said so Zoe started driving trought the traffic, as She kept driving i saw in the back mirror a military elicopter
"Guys, we have a small little Flying problem"
"What Is It Y/N?" Said Zoe as calmly as She could so not much really
"We have an helicopter behind us, but i have an idea to keep it away from us"
"Let's hear It" i told them how i wanted to destroy the elicopter like i did the night of the rescue
"No, It would seem to strange to see a elicopter fall on a highway" said Thalia
"Fine, fine"
"There! In that parking lot!"
"But that way we Will be trapped" said Zoe
"Trust me" said Bianca
Zoe trusted the new hunter, and parked on the southern bank of the river.We left the van and followed Bianca down a flight of stairs.
"It's a subway entrance, we're going south to Alexandria"

As we were sitting in the subway Grover breathed a sigh of relief "You were great to think of the subway!"
"Well me and Nico passed by here last summer. But It wasn't there when we  lived in Washington"

No good, no good, this Is a old subway and She cant be more than twelve years old, someone must have put her and Nico somewhere were time doesnt pass, but wich God? I tought for myself

"Y/N! Come down that subway!" Screamed at me Grover, as i turned my head they were outside while i was still inside, i broke the window and jumped out falling on my bandages hand
"Fuck that still hurts"
"Do you Need tò get warmed up?" a Homeless man asked us
"F-f-fantastic" said Thalia
"By hooves froze" said Grover
"Your feet" corrected him Percy
"Zoe i need a hand, grab some new bandages" She nodded i took out out One of my throwing knives and put It over the Fire
"Y/N this Is highly stupid" told me Bianca I didnt hear her, i took off my old bandages and looked at the meat that was once my pinky and my ring finger and I cut It with the hot Blade After doing so i gave my right hand tò Zoe so she could bandage It while i was letting tears of pain falling down my face.
"Do you Need tò go west my Friends?"
"Yes Sir." told him Percy
The man lifted One of his dirty hands and pointed It at a big freight train, loaded with luxury cars on it's side It was written 'S.U.N Transport- WEST LINE'
"Well for once we are lucky" said Thalia "thank you ehm..."

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