i go meet my mother (and my granfather and my uncles too i Guess )

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It was now the fifth day of our travel, we didn't have any troubl while traveling, just some monsters but nothing too big like Scythian Dracanae( snake ladies) but nothing more.

As we reached the U.S.A/ Canadian border Artemis turned around and looked at us "I have to leave you two from here, Phobe sent me a message asking my help and i dont think ill be able to come back before you have found Khione" we both nodded and departed, me and Zoe went straight to Canada, while Artemis disappear from out sight.

The day before we reached my mother house we were attacked by a group of Cyclops, they all knew about Polyphemus and were all angered with me, as i saw them i froze in place, Zoe saw, grabbed me and slammed me against a tree "Y/N it's not him, now i want you to look at me and do exactly what i Say ignoring them and what they Say! I need you to act without thinking!" She punched my face again

"Now i want you to run into them and hit one of them on their legs making them fall, as you do that ill be behind you, and ill kill It, after that we run in the bushes. I followed her orders ignoring her Plan as we were hiding in the bushes She looked at me "Is the battery of your shield charged?"
"Yes why?"
"I want You to blind all of them, then i want you to use as a jumping platform, for me so i can shoot all of them" as She said so i nodded and we did as told, luckily for us everything went smoothly.
"You know your plans are Better then the one's of some daughter of Athena i know

The last day of our travel we reached my 'family' house "Let's get this clear Zoe, as much as i followed your orders while we were on the road i need you to trust me, and to stay close to me, if my mother Is the first that notices us i hope it will not be a problem but im not really trusting of my granfather and uncle" Zoe looked at me "Fine ill do as you say"

She shouldnt have said so, as we entered the palace, i was kicked away and Zoe was grabbed by the neck and held as a hostage "Oh a hunter, they say you are virgins and should stay so for all of your immortal Life" the voice was making me shiver thinking of what the producer of the voice was about to do "come on spread your legs for me and nothing will happend to your friend" i nodded to her to do so "good girl~"
After She did so i threw a knife right between her legs hitting the man right in the balls making the man let her go, without any hesitation  She kicked his face making him fall to the ground. She ran to me and went behind me, i opened my shield infront to block the man, while She prepared her bow.
"Good thinking" She told me "Better then trying to talk some sense in him"
We then heard the voice Screaming
"Who dares enter my house and hurt my son! Zethes how can you be so easely defeated by two mortals!"
"Zethes my Brother, you seem not being in shape, you were thinking only about the girl not about the boy"
"Calais Is right Brother, you seemed too distract to think about the boy..."
"Khione my only daughter are you ok?" "I-its him he came back, f-father h-he came back!" They all looked at me before Khione came and hugged me tightly "look at you, my small Y/N all grown up, im so sorry to leave you at Camp halfblood"
I then heard Boreas laugh "Zethes you got defeated by your own nephew" before any of them except Khione could come near us i screamed "Wait! I Need you all to make a promise on the Stix!" They all looked at me for a minute "i want You to promise me you will bring her back to Camp halfblood safe, and no one has tò touch her!" They all promised surprisingly
"S-sorry for what happend Zoe"
"Y/N it's not your fault" as She said so She flicked my head "we will see each other again' bye" "bye, say hello to the Hunters and lady Artemis for me!" As i said so Boreas made her disappear and then showed me She was inside the big house talking with Chiron
"Thank you" i said as i knelt
"Y/N my child why are you here?" I told them about what happend on the Cyclops and they all looked at each other and nodded
"We will help you, but know this, halfbloods emotions will always be present"

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