ii. qimir the drunk

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"YOU DEFINITELY have a type." Tann chuckles as you wipe the inside of a clean martini glass. You shake your head, kinda regretting you even told her about your weird yet eerily hot encounter with the strange "bounty-hunter" last night, in which she's teasing you right now. The club is buzzing with people, it was much more busier this day apparently.

"I do not." You strongly said, but doubting yourself for a split second as your thoughts come back to the stranger.

"You do!" She insists and you put down the martini glass to glare at her. "Remember one guest that you shagged? The one who wears a bandana over their face, and was a pirate? You live for dangerous and mysterious people, girl."

"Okay. But that was one time!" You argued and she laughs.

"Deny all you want, but I know you. You live for danger." She wiggled her finger over your face. You shrug, seeming to agree on that. "Mhmm, I wished I saw him. Do you wanna fuck him?"

"Tann!" You sputter, embarrassed she said it out loud. "Shh!"

"Ohhhhh, you do!" She giggled and you threw the cleaning rag at her. "And you just met him."

"Shut up." You grumbled at her and she threw the rag back at you. Your thoughts come back again to him. Shame, you don't know his name- but he did said he had no name or that's what you presumed when he said that to you last night. You don't know what appealed you with the thoughts of that mysterious stranger. Was it the mask or helmet? Was Tann right?

"Ladies! Please, we have customers waiting for their drinks. Chop-chop!" The bartender places a bottle of whiskey and an empty glass on your tray, and places several shot glasses on Tann's while he tells her to hand them over to the guests by the dance floor, and he turns to you. "The whiskey's for the gentlemen in the corner booth." He tells you and you nod.

"We got it!" Tann fakes a smile and shoots you a wink as she grabs her tray. "You are so not getting out of this later."

You playfully roll yours eyes at her as she went ahead to give the guests their drinks. You pick up your tray, moving with ease as your heels clicked and you dodged easily the incoming new guests, heading towards the corner booth, where the way to toilet was next to it. You stop, putting on a fake sultry smile when you see a man with his head down on the table, and what seems to be several other glasses that are all empty. A pungent smell of alcohol goes to your nostril and you try not to welch at it. A drunkard, great. You thought bitterly as you begun your customer service greetings.

"A bottle of whiskey for the gentleman." You say out loud, hoping he'd wake up and acknowledge it. And he did, rather in a dorky manner as his head shot up in surprise. His eyes widened and you can see the numerous drinks he drank did a number on him. He has an odd choice for clothing, choosing to garment himself in these kinda too-big robes on him. His black hair covers most of his eyes but you can see shining black orbs blink open as it shoots up to stare at you. Oh, and he's kinda cute-

"Wasn't expecting a beauty to wake me." And a charming drunk flirt! You laugh a little, placing down his order of a bottle of whiskey and the glass. You noticed that he doesn't have anyone with him in the booth, strange.

"Drinking all alone, sir?" You decided to humor him a little.

"Mhm, yeah." He shrugged as he grabs the bottle immediately then pours his drink a little clumsily. He takes a rather large sip before he pours down another again. You wonder if he's had a rough night or that he's a severe alcoholic. "Wanna drink with me?" He hiccups then grins and you shake your head, amused.

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