• chapter five •

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who could've came?

this is seriously weirding me out.


whos opening the do-

' TARO?! '

' YUKII!! '

taro yelled happily while coming over to hug me.


' yesterday, I stayed at jinnis place though! '

' im so happy to see you roro ! ' i said happily, while engulfing him into another big hug.

' okay enough hugs sis. ' taro said while breaking the hug , by pushing me away.

' why did you come back, not like I'm not happy or anything. '

' well, moms in the hospital again, im guessing she didn't tell you. '

' no, she didn't. why is she in there again?! '

' overdose. '

' are you kidding? this the third time. '

' I know, but I promise she'll get better. and please, don't stay at the hospital every night. '

' ill try. ' you said sad at the fact your mom's in hospital again, even sadder at the fact she didn't bother to tell you.

a very quiet atmosphere arose quickly.

' well, i see you met your soulmates? '

' how did you know! '

' your tattoo, silly. '

right, I forgot tattoos existed.

" well yeah, and they're straykids ! "

"no fucking way. " taro said as his face quickly began to look shocked.

" yes fucking way " i giggled upon seeing his shocked face.

" tell me every single detail?! " taro said taking my wrist and practically dragging me to the couch.

i sighed and sat down next to him, " where do I even begin? "

" guys something weird happened earlier at the restaurant with me and yuki. " seungmin said, gaining everyone's attention on the couch.

" what happened? is she alright? " chan asked from the other end of the couch.

" yeah, shes fine. " seungmin said to which he got interrupted by jisung, " yea she is fine. "

seungmin just rolled his eyes to jisungs statement, not like he disagreed or anything. he was just was annoyed that he got interrupted.

" as I was saying, I asked her if she had any exes. and she acted weird about it. " seungmin said, to which minho rose his head off of jisungs lap.

" why would you ask her that anyways? "  minho asked.

" I don't know, i guess I was curious. "

" well, next time stay curious. "

" noted, ill also stay curious when chan starts chasing you around for putting extra  spice in his ramen. "

" but - that's a different situation! "

" seems the same to me. "

" its so not the same it's two completely different situations. "

" really give me an example. "

" ill give you a whole fucking essay, first - "

" guys just shut up already! " their manager said walking into their dorm as he wanted to inform them about their new upcoming schedules, but was greeted by a cat and a dog bickering.

" i could literally hear you guys from outside, please spare other peoples ears and brains from your stupid conversations."

" whatever. " minho said scoffing in annoyment. " this isn't over. "


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