Chapter 9: the trial

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"Evil always pays the price , good will always win"


Time moves fast when you spend it with the one you love , Dean knew this for sure but Winner was realizing it more and more as the days went on since becoming his boyfriend .

The school semester would be ending in a few months and Winner had planned on taking Dean on a little vacation, but then the trial was happening and the trip would have to wait a little .

He wouldn't let Dean out of his sight until it was over and those bullies wouldn't hurt him ever again, "Winner? It's your turn ?" Sonic waved his hand in front of his face , he nodded and looked to see the teacher was looking at him .

He wasn't ready for this weekend but knew he needed to be strong for Dean, but he felt their whole family gang could finally relax the second this trial was over . "Winner? It's time for your and Way's assignment, where is he?" The teacher Jun asked , but Winner got up and did it by himself.

His thoughts were on if Dean was safe , as the families of the bullies were now arriving at the area to get ready for the big trial .

But he didn't need to worry .

Dean had been staying home from school the last few days with Pete and Way , along with the help of Charlie to stay home until it was time to go to the courthouse for the trial .

Alan and Jeff who finally had gotten together were supposed to keep an eye around school , while Sonic brought food over to the house before leaving with North and Babe back to the school.

"Pete? Can I at least play in the gaming room?" Dean popped his head into the kitchen , Way was throwing flour at Pete who just stood there . "Yes go with Charlie , Way stop this or I won't help you bake " Pete scooped up Way in his arms who was now pouting that Pete stopped playing the game .

Dean nodded and walked down to the room to see Charlie was there with Sonic who had came back after classes were over , "can we play a switch game?" He asked and sat down between them .

Sonic's phone kept buzzing so he turned it on mute like he was avoiding someone which made Dean raise his eyebrow, but he checked his own phone to see Winner had only texted him earlier but it's been silent since then .

"Winner, I lov-" Dean quickly erased the message as he wasn't ready for him to know he loved him yet , but instead quickly send a message of I miss you because that was better .

"Stop texting your boyfriend and play Dean " Charlie called out , he glared at him but went to play his turn . He can't believe there was a moment of his life when he was alone , and now he had a boyfriend and a group of friends that he never wanted to say goodbye too .

{the trial }

Dean stayed closer to Winner as they headed inside the courthouse , even when the bullie's families watched him and even more when the judge came in and soon the bullies came in and sat in the courtroom .

"Shh they won't hurt you " Winner wrapped his arm around him , the main bully Eunwoo turned to look at him as the lawyers started the proceedings. He gave Dean an evil look , Sonic moved seating and dragged north with him and they sat in front so Dean could relax without feeling Eunwoo's death glare .

Sonic scooted a little away from North who was confused but went back to watching the trial , he looked behind him to see Dean burying his head into Winner's shoulder .

He was happy to see them together after everything and he was glad to see Dean was finally getting a happy ending after everything, Winner placed some noise canceling headphones over Dean's ears to keep him distracted until it was time for him to head to the witness stand.

[a few hours later ]

Dean who was still wearing the headphones but watched as Winner told the court everything , and explained in detail why the bullies needed to be found guilty. Sonic had his arm wrapped around Dean and he cheered but stopped hand he saw Dean's confused look , "we won Dean! The bullies will never hurt you again" Sonic patted his back and looked over to see North had already gone to talk with Winner .

"What do I care " he mumbled after seeing why North hardly noticed him , it was then that Dean took off the headphones and ran to Winner and wrapped his arm around him .

Winner smiled and placed his hands on top of Dean's and happy to see that the past was finally over , and he could focus on their future together .

But he looked over and saw something was not right with Sonic and North and as much as he wanted to figured it out , Dean had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he knew it was time to go home .

"Sonic-" he started .

"Go , take him home I have a ride " Sonic nodded and watched Winner leave , but he lied to his friend as he didn't have a ride as Pete and Way left around the same time as Charlie and Babe.

Maybe he could ask Alan but he saw he was already gone .

That only left North .

"North , can you take Sonic home ? I have to take Dean home now " Winner suddenly said as he popped his head back in the room, Sonic was about to say no when North dragged him out of there .

"Thanks a lot Winner " Sonic yelled after him .

But Winner just chuckled which made a half sleep Dean look up at him , "what did you do?" He asked his boyfriend but Winner just kissed his cheek .

"I was playing Cupid , now let's get to your room so you can get some rest " Winner lifted Dean into his arms after they parked at Pete's house , Dean nodded and wrapped his arms around Winner's neck and laid his head down .

Something was happening in the future , but at least Dean did not have to deal with the bullies anymore .

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