Chapter 1 : Ready for it?

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"Leave him alone!" A voice suddenly yelled and Dean who was still holding up his hands just hoping got them to stop beating him, didn't take them down when he heard the men run off and heard the same voice in front of his face .

"Your okay , I won't let them hurt you " he whispered and Dean lowered his voice to see who had saved him , it was fellow classmate Winner who didn't seem to recognize him .

Dean stayed silent and watched as Winner helped him stand up and stayed with him until they were back in school , neither one spoke the whole way there but Dean just looked to see Winner had not let go of his hand yet .

"So why did they hurt you?" Winner asked .

"I- don't know " Dean mumbled and let go of his hand , he looked to see Winner just nodded and told him if he needed saving again to call him .

That was last year .

Dean was now a senior along with Winner and Pete , Winner didn't remember him or didn't even look in his direction so he found new ways to get to and from school so he would not run into this people again .

His savior broke his promise or doesn't even remember him , Dean kept to himself when walking around the ground never spoke up or made any friends .

Last time he tried that , it didn't go well at all .

"Dean! Pay attention , we are choosing partners for this project " his teacher called out .

Dean apologized.

He had not been able to sleep lately because of the nightmares , but he still should not have been sleeping in class .

"You will be paired with Winner " the teacher also said something else after that but Dean zoned out and looked at Winner who didn't even look back at the mention of his name .

Dean got up as soon as it was over and started to walk out of the room when he felt his hand grabbed, "where you going? Shouldn't we go over times to work on the project ?" Winner 's voice made him turn around to see him once again .

"I-can't today , I'll uh text you tomorrow " Dean mumbled and ran off down the hall .

"You don't have my ID" Winner looked confused at first but then just shook his head, he would find him sometime later this week to work on the project .

Dean didn't stop running till he was outside on the benches , he always skipped one class to just hide there and be alone because that way he would not make anyone mad or piss anyone off .

But that's where they found him.

His bullies were back .

(Skip this if you don't like bullying or topic of it , trigger warning )

He tried to run but they pushed him down and one of them gave a few punches , Dean bit his tongue and tried hard to close his eyes and go back into his tiny safe place when he felt light and opened his eyes to see them on the ground and in pain .

Winner was standing there and once he got Dean to stand led him away until they were in the safety of a classroom .

"I told you didn't I ? To tell me and I would stop them ". Winner sat on the table , Dean scoffed and looked away because he like- he felt something that was wrong and he needed to not think about .

"You broke that promise so why did you save me ?" Dean sat on the ground in front of the teacher's desk and saw Winner roll his eyes .

"We needed to exchange IDs for our project but you just walk off so I followed you " Winner was about to say something else when his phone buzzed , he promised to be right back and walked into the hallway .

Dean waited for what felt like forever , and eventually left his ID on the desk with Winners name before walking home for the day .

Luckily he made it home safe and just walked up to his bed and laid down for the day , he wondered how much longer he would have deal with the bullying hate for being who he was .

{back at the school}

Winner finished chatting with a classmate called Team and walked back in the classroom to find Dean was no longer there but instead was a note with his ID on it.

"Winner! There you are " Alan walked in the classroom and had his arms folded , he was not happy and Winner just started laughing because he was not use to seeing Alan show any emotion lately .

"What? I will get it done in time " Winner placed the note in his pocket , Alan grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the garage .

"Look at the mess you made " he pointed in the right direction, Winner just chuckled and shrugged but still went over and cleaned up his mess but his mind was somewhere else . Why did Dean run away after every interaction they had, but even the most important thing on his mind why he was being attacked and why he never went to any adult for help.

"Winner, there is someone here for you" Way called out and Winner looked up to see Dean standing in the doorway before running away once again. But this time he chased after him till Dean suddenly stopped and looked down at the ground while facing him, "Did- you get my ID, I- need to go - can you come with me?" he mumbled but Winner nodded.

They apparently had been going to the same school but Winner rememered the first time he had met Dean, something in him told him to keep him close as a friend but did Dean even want that from him?.

"Come on, I am done here anyway" Winner grabbed Dean's hand who went from mumbling to a state of shock, but he did not let go as he was dragged out of the school, He was falling deeper the more Winner did stuff like saving him or holding his hand.

But Winner was straight or at least that is what Dean believed.

"Please stop making me like you even more" Dean whispered in his mind, little did he know what the future had in store for him but it was time to prepare his heart because he was about to enter a storm.

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