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The four Fairy Tail mages booked it through the town as they got to the centre of the town Natsu Dragneel threw his nose into the air as he started sniffing for ANY familiar scent when images flashed in his head, memories of his time coming to this port town: memories of meeting Lucy, heading out to Galuna Island as well as...heading out to Tenroujima. But as he remembered the times he spent here another memory entered his mind; it was something Lucy had told him once.
"I got Plue here at Hargeon, right before we met."
Then Natsu started running in a direction, his teammates looking confused at the Dragon slayer before following him. As the Dragon slayer found his way to a row full of magic shops he burst into a random shop where a man in a pointy hat and two big pyramids of dark beige hair on each side of his head. Natsu then ran to the counter slamming his hand onto the desk. "Ah hello there, are you perhaps interested in one of our coveted ColorS devices?" The shop keep asked as Natsu shook his head.
"Nah do you have any keys though?" Natsu asked as the shop keep as he chuckled.
"Oh you're one of those, ever since that famous guild got that one Celestial Spirit user the stocks have gone through the roof." The old man smiled as he got a box from behind the counter opening it and inside was three silver keys marked at 50,000 Jewels each.
On each of the silver keys there was symbols representing each of the spirits inside of the keys, One of the Silver keys had a green dot in the middle, the next one had a diamond with a yellow circle in the middle and the final one had a weird oval with a lip and straight lines inside the oval. This last one Natsu grabbed as he threw 50,000J straight onto the counter. The shop keep looked confused for a second before Lisanna, Levy and Juvia walked in in which case the man threw 3,000J back onto the counter "Here is your change." He responded with a smile.
"What was that about Natsu?" Levy asked as Natsu showed the silver key happily at the four who all grinned.
"I remembered Lucy told me she found Plue here!" Natsu grinned as the three women ran towards Natsu excited though Lisanna waited in her place.
"wait what about Ultear, didn't we think she was here?" Lisanna asked as Juvia spoke up.
"Juvia thinks it might be best to focus on this first, after all maybe there is a spirit who is good at tracking." Juvia explained her reasoning as Lisanna thought for a bit.
"You have a point Juvia," She smiled before walking up to the counter and taking notes on the keys available before putting 100,0000 J onto the counter.
"I would like the other keys please." Levy smiled before the shop keep put two thousand Jewels onto the counter.
"Here is your change." He smiled as Levy looked awkwardly at the shop keep before shuffling away backwards awkwardly, turning around to face her teammates as she did.
"Lets head back to Magnolia and we can do the contracts there." Lisanna smiled as the team swiftly left the magic shop.

On the way back to Magnolia Natsu lasted a tiny bit longer then on the way to Hargeon (by two minutes) but as soon as the train stopped Natsu didn't do his usual freedom bit. The dragon slayer looked at his team before bolting it straight to the guild, passing by two kids (one with blonde hair and the other with black hair) whilst he did, using his magic to boost him along.
"Wow that was THE Natsu Dragneel!" The Blond kid exclaimed who had a small red cat next to him.
"So cool..."
"Sting remember why we came here, don't stop remembering." The Black-haired boy replied who had a green cat in a pink onesie next to him.
"Oh yeah right." Sting grinned before the four started following the Pink haired Dragon Slayer.
As Natsu got to the guild he made it to his usual seat as Macao approached Natsu. "Hey Natsu, where have you been?" Macao asked as Natsu looked to the blue haired wizard.
"Oh me, Lis, Levy and Juvia went to Hargeon to search for Ultear, no luck though." Natsu grinned happily.
"Oh so that's where you guys were off to, any luck?" Macao asked as Natsu thought for a second before grinning.
"Not in the way we were hoping for but we got something." The son of Igneel smiled as he showed Macao a silver key in his hand.
"A Celestial spirit key? I see your plan nice Natsu!" Macao smiled as he patted Natsu on the back.
"Levy has two others, we're gonna contract them later." Natsu smiled.
"Nice, look Natsu I need to speak with you in the office." Macao said seriously as Natsu gulped, thinking this was about what happened at the port of Hargeon.
"S-Sure." He said pale faced as he slowly followed Macao to the guild master's office.

As Levy and the group made it to the guild hall two kids and two cats stood in the middle of the guild with everyone looking at them awkwardly. As the two kids stood proudly in the middle the purple haired bartender spoke up "Y-You two want to join the guild Kina?" Kinana asked as the light-haired kid smiled.
"Of course, we even know how to use magic!" the kid grinned.
"We're Dragon Slayers." The dark-haired kid smirked as the guild erupted in gasps, some of which came from the group who just entered the guild hall.
"Poor joke kid." Jet shook his head as he and Droy looked towards the door and noticed Levy.
"Levy welcome back!" Droy called over as the two kids turned around and ran up to the trio of Tenroujima Survivors.
"You guys know Natsu right?" The blonde kid asked quickly.
"U-Umm we do know Natsu-San." Juvia said awkwardly.
"Cool...he is like out inspiration to us," The black-haired kid spoke "he is the strongest Dragon Slayer around...though Gajeel was stronger." The Black-haired kid softened his expression at this.
"Gajeel was very strong indeed." Levy softly smiled as Lisanna looked around the guild before approaching the bar.
"Hey Kinana, has Natsu returned yet?" Lisanna asked as the bar maid smiled.
"Mhm, he is with Master Macao up in the office-Kina." Kinana smiled as a worried look grew on her face.
"Umm do you know what it was about?" Lisanna awkwardly asked as the memories of how much damage the incident caused back at Hargeon port.
"I think it was something about Tenroujima though I didn't hear much-Kina." Kinana responded with her usual innocent smile.
"Huh, I wonder what Macao wants to know." Lisanna thought to herself as Max, the resident Sand Mage of Fairy Tail approached Lisanna.
"Careful, he is technically the master now." Max chuckled as Lisanna rolled her eyes, a smile on her face.
"True I guess." She chuckled as the door to the office opened and up on the S class balcony Macao and Natsu stood, Macao with a smile on his face and Natsu with a confident smirk.

"Alright everyone listen up, after a long deliberation I have come to a decision about the results of the S Class trials. Unfortunately due to the...attack by Grimoire Heart and Acnologia the trial couldn't be completed however with the dire times I have decided that the mages who passed the first part of the trial would get the promotion to S class. Everyone give a big round of applause to our newest S Class Mages Natsu Dragneel and Levy McGarden!" Macao announced as a roar of cheers and clapping run through the walls of the hall whilst a shocked Levy stood wide eyed at the door.

"Macao I swear the damages at the port wasn't caused by us, there was this giant octopus and-" Natsu was then cut off.
"Don't worry Natsu, Blue Pegasus has offered to pay for the damages as thanks for helping Ichiya," Macao explained as Natsu let out a sigh of relief "Natsu, tell me what happened during the S Class exams." Macao asked as Natsu relayed all the information he could.
"When we woke up we were in the infirmary and that is about it, why the question Macao?" Natsu asked casually.
"Remember Natsu I am your guild master now," Macao scolded before continuing "We are the number one guild in Fiore and yet we now have no S class mages, I now have to make a decision if we are to continue holding our place." Macao said seriously.
"Oh Levy would make a great S Class!" Natsu spoke up as Macao chuckled.
"She isn't the only one. Look Natsu, when you left the guild you inspired everyone and that also embodies what an S Class Mage should be so my decision is..."

Natsu looked over to Levy at the announcement and gave her a thumbs up, Levy responding with a shaky thumbs up before a hand was put on her shoulder. "You'll be an excellent S Class Levy-San." Juvia smiled.

"What about us?" The red cat who was standing next to the Blond kid asked.
"Frosch wants to be included too!" The green cat in a pink onesie called as we fade to black.

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