Last kiss goodbye in Paris

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A\N: I'm on a JIBBS kick at the moment. I've often wondered what happened leading up to their last kiss goodbye in Paris (and afterwards), and why it was never discussed in NCIS. We all know, thanks to conversations and flashbacks that it was Jenny that left Gibbs in Paris and that he was too late to go after her. But what about their last kiss in Paris? 

I do not know how  long this oneshot will be as it flips from Past to present and vice versa. I have a feeling that this JIBBS oneshot ending will conclude with a Happily Ever After ending for our two favourite former partners. I hope you enjoy this one, Angels. 

D.C, Washington, 2005:

Newly made Director of NCIS, Jennifer 'Jenny, Jen' Shepard stares out of her office window at the harbour. It's only 1235 and already she knows she'll be here until at least 2 am tomorrow morning. Since becoming Director, she rarely sees the inside of her townhouse unless it's to shower and change her clothes early in the morning before all her agents arrive. She leans back in her chair as a face, familiar like her own, flashes before her eyes. Her former partner, boss and lover: 

Leroy Jethro Gibbs. 

It's been 6 years since that day in Paris. 

Since she kissed him for the last time. 

Since she saw his plane take off without her by his side. 

Since she had become the Ice Queen. 

Since ice had covered what remained of her heart. 

Since anyone had thawed her icy heart.

Their last kiss in Paris is her most replayed memory, perhaps it was so heartbreaking for her because she knew it would be the last time she would see him. When she dreams about their last kiss,  she imagines it ending differently. She dreams that he found out she was doing and that their last kiss in Paris wasn't their last kiss, but dreams are just that: dreams. 

They were a nice make believe for when you're sleeping, they take the sting out of reality for a few hours until you wake up. 

Paris, France, 1999:

She's been fighting back the tears since he woke her up with a kiss to her lips this morning. She knew this day was coming, had for the past two weeks, but she didn't expect it to hurt as much as it is. 

They're in the Charles de Gaulle airport, sitting in the terminal, waiting for their flight to be called, their fingers interlaced together. 

She suddenly gets up, breaking their fingers, causing Jethro to look at her. He looks worried, he's noticed her behaviour over the last few weeks and has attempted to get information out of her, to no avail. She's been tight-lipped about it, knowing he'd change her mind if he knew. 

"Jen, you okay?" He asks as she picks up her hand luggage, she nods, barely keeping the tears at bay behind her green eyes. "Yeah, I'm going to get another coffee and hit the ladies room before we board." She lets the lie slip through her lips effortlessly, well it's not a lie, it's technically the truth except the 'we board', because she won't be boarding the flight with him. 

She leans down and kisses him softly on his lips. 

"I'll always love you, Jethro Gibbs." She says against his lips before pulling back, grabbing her handbag and turning away from the man she'll forever love.

She doesn't see the tears in his blue eyes or hear the 'I love you, Jennifer Shepard' leave his lips as he watches her walk away from, taking his heart with her. 

D.C Washington, 2005:

She comes out of the memory in tears that flow down her cheeks with no sign of stopping. This isn't the first time she's relived their last kiss and broken down but it's the first she's broken down at the office. She stumbles out of her chair and walks over to the leather couch at the back of her office and collapses onto it, sobbing into her hands. 

Who knew, her mind sneers at her. the Ice Queen of Washington could cry, even about a man whose heart she tore out of his chest then stabbed at repeatedly with a thin knife and a pair of high heels?

She ignores the sneer in her head, like she often does and continues to cry over what she gave up six years ago. 

She gave up the chance of being with Jethro for years. 

She gave up the chance to be married to Jethro. 

She gave up the chance to live a life with Jethro.

She gave up a chance to build a life worth living with Jethro.

The man she'll forever love. 

The door to her office opens and she feels HIM looking at her from he's standing in the doorway just behind the closed door which she didn't hear close. 

The man she left in Paris six years earlier. 

"Jen." He says, she doesn't remove her hands from her face but her tears do stop for the time being. 

"Go away, Jethro." She snaps, her voice muffled by her hands. Jethro doesn't go away, in fact he kneels down in front of her, his hands prying her own from  her face. Their eyes lock as he holds her hands in one hand.   

"What's going on, Jen?" He asks her softly. Jenny shakes her head: she can't tell she's relived their last kiss in Paris, the day both of their hearts were smashed to bits with a hammer by her. 

"Nothing, Jethro." She lies to him. Jethro sighs. "Jen." He glares at her, daring her to lie to him again. She sighs as another tear leaves her eye. 

"I was reliving our last kiss and it just hit me more than usual." She admits. Damn his ability to make me confess with just one look. Jenny thinks to herself.  Jethro reaches up to wipe the tear from her cheek and places his palm on it, she leans into the touch. She's missed being touched by him. 

"What can I do, Jen?" He asks her softly, she shrugs. She knows what she wants him to do but knows he'll never do it. 

Before she can blink, his lips are pressed against her in a soft kiss. She responds instinctively and kisses him back. The kiss is over before she can comprehend what they just did. 

The sound of thunder rumbling and rain pouring from almost black clouds and lashing against  her office windows, Jenny looks at her agent with a smirk on her red  lipsticked lips. 

"While we wait for the rain to stop or at least die down a little, you could show me what I gave up when I walked away from you." She requests of him. Instead of getting a verbal answer from the man kneeling in front of her, he releases her hand and kisses her again, her arms hooking around his neck as she kisses him back. 

He stands up and brings her up with him. 

The two of them are too wrapped up in kissing, making up for six years apart in one kiss, that they don't see Ducky, DiNozzo, McGee, Ziva, Abby or Cynthia in the door that was opened silently, watching their two bosses kissing with smiles on their faces. 

The office door is re-closed but the bosses don't notice. 

Jenny pulls away from Jethro, catching her breath. His eyes are shining with a sparkle she's not seen from him in months. 

"I meant what I said in the airport, Jethro: I'll always love you, Leroy Jethro Gibbs." She says slightly breathlessly, Jethro chuckles before he kisses her once and smiles at her. 

"I love you too, Jenny Shepard, then, now and forever." He whispers as she hugs him tightly, smiling when the rain has lifted a little bit. 

"Take me home, Jethro." She says pulling back and watching as Jethro nods. 

Together, hand in hand with Jethro, Jenny leaves the Navy Yard with the man she'll forever love. 

A\N: This is complete. Usually my A\N's are long but I've got several unwritten stories to do and this is only the first one and it's only Tuesday! I've gotta get writing if I want all the stories published by next Monday! I hope you Angels are having a good start to your week, I know I'm not. 

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