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King's Landing

10 years ago

Rhaenyras chambers

"I'm so proud of you, my little dragon." Rhaenyra happily said. She was playing with her 1 year old son who was playing with his toys.

Just then, Ser Criston entered Rhaenyras' room. "Princess." He greeted.

"Dada!" Daemion yelled at Ser Criston. Rhaenyras' eyes widened, but not because Daemion had just said his first word, but because he called Ser Criston his father.

"Apologies, Ser. He's been saying that to all the men the whole day." Rhaenyra quickly lied.

"The king has called for a meeting of the small council. I've been asked by the queen to fetch you." Ser Criston said.

"Of course." Rhaenyra stood up, and her 3 month pregnant belly was showing. She then looked at Daemion and kissed him on his head.

Elinda picked Daemion up, and the young prince started crying.

"Dada! Dada!" Daemion called out to Ser Criston as he and his mother left the room.


Ser Criston looked at Daemion and couldn't shake the feeling that the 11 year old boy was his son. He questioned everything. The timing of him laying with Rhaenyra. The timing of her pregnancy. These questions kept him up at night.

The royal family had arrived on Driftmark.It was a sad day for House Velaryon for the funeral of Laena had taken place. The men had tied ropes in the casket that held Laena and her unborn son. Vaemond Velaryon was saying his farewells to his niece.  Baela and Rhaena were being comforted by their grandmother, and Laenor had been motionless. Saddened by his sisters passing.

"īlon join tubī rȳ se seat hen embar naejot commit laena hen lentor velaryon naejot se eternal waters, se dominion hen merlin dārys skoriot ziry jāhor guard zȳhon syt ry se tubissa naejot māzigon." (We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit Laena of house Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merlin King where He will guard her for all the days to come.) As Vaemond was speaking Rhaenys held Baela tightly as if she were Laena herself. "Hae ziry sets embar syt zirȳla mōrī voyage, se riña laena tēmbi lanta true-born daughters va se rāenion." (As she sets sail for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore.) The Targaryen family stood in support of Daemon, Baela and Rhaena.

"Though pōja muña kessa daor return hen zirȳla voyage, pōnta mirre umbagon hēnkirī isse ānogar." (Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they all remain together in blood.) Otto, who was reinstated as Hand of the King, adjusted his collar.

"Lopor courses rȳ velaryon ānogar." (Salt courses through Velaryon blood.) Vaemond said as he turned to look at Rhaenyra and her 4 children with disgust. "Īlvon dakogon qumblie.  Īlvon dakogon drēje." (Ours runs thick. Ours runs true.) Everyone who could understand high valyrian not only knew what Vaemond was saying but they understood why he was saying it, and King Viserys noticed that Rhaenyra was uncomfortable "Se īlvon ēdruta dōrī vasrie." (And ours must never thin.)

Daemon started to chuckle and took the attention from Rhaenyra to him. He hadn't had time to talk to Rhaenyra since he arrived because he was helping with the funeral arrangements. The Velaryon soldiers then pulled the ropes that were holding the casket so that it could slide down.

"Ñuha gentle niece. Kostagon se jelmior sagon hae kostōba hae aōha arlī, aōha seas hae gīda hae aōha spirit, se aōha nets sagon hae lēda hae aōha prūmia." (My gentle niece. May the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart.) Vaemond continued his eulogy. Aegon looked uninterested. Alicent kept looking at Rhaenyra and her children.
"Hen se embar īlon māstan.  Naejot se embar īlon kessa return." (From the sea we came. To the see we shall return.) The casket was released to fall into the waters. For now, Laena Velaryon was laid to rest.

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