Chapter 13: Memory Loss

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Alea increasingly felt an unexplainable emptiness every time she returned to the real world. At first, only small things would disappear, names of certain objects, brief conversations she forgot, or places that seemed unfamiliar despite frequent visits. However, over time, this loss grew deeper. Her memories of life in the real world felt blurry, like shrouded in a thick fog that refused to lift.

That morning, Alea woke up with a sense that something was wrong. The room, which was supposed to be her sanctuary, now felt foreign. Her eyes stared at the photos hanging on the wall, but the faces in them appeared blurred, like memories that had been partially erased. One photo depicting her mother, Julia, was the most confusing. Alea knew it was her mother, but the face seemed distant, as if a part of her was starting to forget the once-strong emotional connection.

"Why can't I remember this?" Alea whispered, pressing her temples, trying to summon back the memories that felt so hazy.

Every time she closed her eyes, the image of Alya's parallel world became clearer than her memories of the real world. Alya's life, every small detail from school, friends, to family, increasingly dominated her thoughts, seeping into every corner of her memory. Alea knew this was not normal, but she couldn't stop it. At the same time, the real world began to feel more distant. Her connection with her own family was fading, as if she was no longer a part of this world.


That afternoon, Alea decided to meet Kenny. She knew Kenny was the only person who might understand her situation, even though he wasn't entirely sure himself. They had discussed the parallel world a few times before, and Kenny was someone who believed in the possibility of multiple dimensions. But Alea had never told him about this memory loss. She felt too scared to talk about it, as if speaking would make the fear become real.

When Alea arrived at the park where they usually met, Kenny was already waiting, sitting on the same bench as usual. His face showed concern as he saw Alea approaching. Alea's face looked more tired than usual, her eyes swollen and her expression flat, as if life in this world no longer brought her joy.

"Alea, you look... very different. What happened to you?" Kenny asked, tilting his head, looking at his friend intently.

 What happened to you?" Kenny asked, tilting his head, looking at his friend intently

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Alea sighed deeply and sat beside him. "I... I don't know, Kenny. I'm losing control over myself. Every time I come back from Alya's world, I feel like I'm losing a part of myself. Like... something is left behind there."

Kenny frowned, trying to understand what Alea was saying. "Losing a part of yourself? What do you mean? What are you actually feeling?"

Alea paused for a moment, struggling to find the words to describe the increasingly difficult-to-understand feelings. "I'm starting to forget things here. Names, memories, even people in my life. This morning... I saw a photo of my mother on the wall, but it felt strange. I feel like... I'm not fully here. As if my mind is split between this world and Alya's world."

Upon hearing this, Kenny was silent for a moment. Alea's eyes, usually full of energy, now looked empty. "Alea, this... this isn't normal. If you're starting to forget your life here, then this is more serious than we thought. I've read that people who cross dimensional boundaries can lose their souls... or at least part of their soul, if they're not careful."

"What do you mean by losing your soul?" Alea looked at Kenny fearfully. The words echoed in her mind, reminding her of all the fears she had been trying to suppress.

Kenny looked at Alea with a serious expression. "There's a theory that every time you cross a boundary, you leave part of yourself in the other world. If you do it too often, you could lose more than you realize. And it seems that's what's happening to you. Alya's world is starting to take over your memories, taking parts of who you really are here."


Alea felt the world around her begin to spin. Her thoughts returned to the final moments in Alya's world, how real and vivid it was. She even felt closer to the people there than here.

"I'm scared, Kenny. I don't know how to stop this. Every time I try to pull away from Alya's world, I just get sucked in more. It feels like there's something there that doesn't want me to leave." Alea clenched her hands tightly, trying to hold back tears.

Kenny was silent, thinking hard. "Then we need to figure out what's tying you to that world. Maybe there's something or someone there that's preventing you from breaking free. Is there something specific that makes you feel bound there?"

Alea bit her lip, contemplating Kenny's words. "At first, I thought it was because my father is still alive there. That seemed like the only reason that made sense. But now, I'm not sure. There might be something deeper. I feel like... part of my life is there."

Kenny looked at Alea with sympathy. "Maybe you should stop going there for a while. If you keep crossing boundaries like this, you might lose everything. Lose yourself."

Alea was silent, her mind in turmoil. She knew Kenny was right, but her heart rebelled. Alya's world was a place where she felt whole, where her father was still alive, where she could feel warmth that had long been lost. But every time she returned, the real world faded more, like a dream that fades in the morning.

"Kenny, I can't. I can't stop going there," she said with a trembling voice. "I feel more alive there than here. Here, I just feel empty."

Kenny took a deep breath. "Alea, if you keep this up, you might not be able to come back again. You need to find a way to balance both worlds, or you'll lose everything."

Hearing these words, Alea felt her heart break. On one hand, she knew Kenny was right. But on the other hand, Alya's world had become a part of herself she couldn't just leave behind.


When Alea finally stood up to leave, she felt the world around her vibrating. As before, the real world began to fade around her. Her breath felt heavy, and her vision started to blur.

"Kenny..." Alea tried to speak, but her voice sounded distant to her own ears. She felt her body weakening, as if all her energy was being drained. Her body collapsed to the ground before Kenny could react.

"Alea!" Kenny crouched beside her, shaking Alea's shoulders anxiously. "Alea, wake up! Alea!" he shouted, but Alea didn't respond.

Kenny's mind raced. He knew this was more than just ordinary exhaustion. Alea had become trapped between two worlds, and now, reality was beginning to fade before him. Kenny carefully lifted Alea, deciding to take her to a safe place.

In his mind, Kenny knew they didn't have much time. If Alea continued to lose her memories, it might not be long before she was completely absorbed into Alya's world, leaving the real world forever.

As he carried Alea away, Kenny promised himself that he would find the answers, or at least a way to save Alea before it was too late.


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