Chapter 8: Disturbing Deja Vu

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Alea felt like an explorer trapped between two worlds. After her meeting with Alya, who was so similar to her yet led a very different life, strange feelings began to overshadow her thoughts. Every time she returned to the parallel world, there was a part of her that didn't want to leave. It wasn't just out of curiosity, but because of the emotional connection she felt with Alya's life, especially Alya's relationship with her still-living and loving father.

In Alea's world, losing her father at a young age had left a deep wound. Her family life became quieter and filled with silence, while in Alya's world, their father was still present, alive, and deeply involved in their daily family life. Every moment Alya spent with her father made Alea's heart ache, as if she were witnessing a version of life she had always wanted but could never achieve.


At school, Alea increasingly experienced frightening moments of déjà vu. For instance, when a teacher in class was explaining a lesson, Alea suddenly felt as if she had experienced this situation before, the teacher's words, the way sunlight filtered through the classroom window, the murmurs of other students behind her. Everything felt so familiar, yet Alea was certain she had never experienced it before. Each time the déjà vu sensation occurred, her world seemed to shift slightly, making her feel detached from reality.

One day, while sitting in the cafeteria with her friends, Alea felt as though she had already gone through this conversation. Nessie, her best friend, was laughing heartily while recounting a funny incident at her home, and Alea knew exactly what she would say next. The déjà vu was so strong that Alea could finish Nessie's sentences before she said them.

"I knew you were going to say your dog ran into a tree because it was too busy chasing a squirrel," Alea said suddenly, causing Nessie to freeze and stare at her with wide eyes.

"How did you know?" Nessie asked, shocked.

Alea could only shrug. She didn't know how to explain the strange feeling, how she felt as if she were living in two places simultaneously, experiencing two worlds that were constantly intersecting.


That night, Alea decided to return to the parallel world. She needed answers. She had to understand what was happening to her. Why did she feel like this? Why did this world seem so familiar yet strange at the same time?

As Alea closed her eyes and tried to relax, she began to feel the familiar transition, the sensation of being pulled out of her own body. When she opened her eyes, she was already in Alya's room. The room was exactly like hers in the real world but with different touches, some photos on the wall that she didn't have, books neatly arranged on different shelves, and small knick-knacks that made the room feel more alive.

Alya was sitting at her desk, writing something in her diary. Alea watched from a close distance, feeling strange seeing herself in a different version. She observed Alya's handwriting flowing smoothly across the page, realizing that Alya's handwriting was similar to her father's.

"This is weird," Alea muttered to herself. "Is this really happening?"

Alya seemed unaware of Alea's presence, allowing Alea to move closer and see the contents of the diary

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Alya seemed unaware of Alea's presence, allowing Alea to move closer and see the contents of the diary. Some notes recorded Alya's thoughts and feelings, but others spoke about her experiences with "crossing boundaries" of this world. Alya also seemed to have the ability to move between two worlds, just like Alea, and she was also troubled by this experience.


Alea cautiously backed away, returning to a more hidden spot in Alya's room. If Alya could also cross boundaries, did it mean they were connected more deeply than she had suspected? Was this all part of something larger that they both didn't understand?

The next day, Alea was determined to search for more clues in the real world. She visited the public library, digging into books about parallel dimensions, déjà vu, and parallel world theories. She read about the possibility of parallel universes overlapping with our world, how timelines and events might differ but still be interconnected.


As she delved deeper, she found a section discussing a phenomenon known as "quantum entanglement" between individuals in parallel worlds. This phenomenon described how two people or entities could have a strong connection, even sharing memories or experiences unknowingly. Maybe this was what she was experiencing. Perhaps this was why every time she crossed into Alya's world, she felt such strong déjà vu. Alea thought, maybe she and Alya were more than just two people living in different worlds; they might be part of a larger entity, something connected at a quantum level.


Back home, Alea sat in her bedroom, reflecting on everything she had learned. Alya's world might seem perfect, but Alea was beginning to understand that even that world had its own mysteries and problems. With each new discovery, she felt more deeply involved in this puzzle, drawn further into the current of mystery connecting the two worlds.

Yet, what troubled Alea most was the realization that every time she returned to the parallel world, she began to feel more at home there than in her own world. The connection she felt with Alya and her family, especially Alya's father, made her yearn for something she could never have again. The warmth and affection they showed were things that had been lost from Alea's life since her father's passing. Perhaps, Alea thought, this was why she was so drawn to this world, because here, in this world, she felt whole again.


However, this also brought her to a larger and more frightening question: Did she really want to return to her own world, or did she prefer to stay in Alya's world, where her father was still alive and her family seemed happier? Alea felt torn between two choices, unsure which path to take.

That night, as she lay in bed, mixed feelings filled her mind. She knew she couldn't keep running from reality and had to find a way to face the truth, no matter how difficult it was. But for now, she allowed herself to drift into dreams that took her back to Alya's world, a world full of possibilities and hopes that seemed lost in her own.

As she fell asleep, she felt the gentle transition between the two worlds, like diving into warm water. The parallel world welcomed her back, and for a while, Alea felt comfortable in a place where she shouldn't be.


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