2 - Smoking

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All the guys rolled their blunts and started smoking.

Gerard quickly rolled another one and gave it to you, "Here," he says in a raspy voice.

"Uh thanks.." you light the blunt up and start smoking.

Frank looked at you and rolled his eyes, "God, why did I even bring you along.." Frank muttered.

You rolled your eyes at him, you then noticed Gerard was eyeing you up again.

He was looking at you like you were a piece of meat.

Frank noticed and smacked Gerard's arm, "Cut it off, now." Frank muttered angrily.

"Ow.." Gerard whined.

"Jeez, can you not stare at my sister like she's a piece of meat?" Frank asked.

"Fine whatever.." Gerard answered.

"I'm bored.." Mikey finally mumbled out.

"Yeah, same." Ray agreed, his usual cheery tone was now replaced with a more tired one.

"I have an idea.." Gerard suggested.

"What is it?" The other three boys answered.

"We should play 7 minutes in heaven or whatever it's called." Gerard said with an evil grin.

The other guys nodded and grabbed an empty beer bottle.

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