9: Feels

33 2 17


March 22nd

1:05 AM

Dick lay in his bed, his head on his wonderfully comfortable pillows as he stared at the ceiling. It seemed like that became routine.

"What the hell is going on?" he thought to himself. "First he kisses me and tries to fuck me... twice. Then he goes after Starfire, and now he wants me again?" He felt his head spin, making him feel sick to his stomach. He shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm himself and to help understand what was happening. Why this was happening.

He tossed and turned, attempting to sleep with no luck. His eyes were tightly closed and his back was on the mattress. His head rested upon a couple pillows as he smushed one over his face to create more darkness. In an odd way, it was quite comfortable.

Because of how hard he pressed the pillow over his restless face, he hadn't even heard someone enter his room. "Um, Robin?" a very familiar voice sounded. Dick removed the pillow from his face and turned to the nightstand to grab his sunglasses as slight annoyance found a way to him. He slid them on before sitting up. "What's up, Star?" he asked with a tired smile. She walked over to him and sat beside him. "I am sorry for earlier today. I do not know what came over me," she started before she turned to face the boy. "I wanted you to have the knowing that I like you and not Kid Flash." Her words were direct and hit Dick hard as he felt his heart stop beating for a moment.

"You like me?" he questioned, wondering if he had heard her incorrectly. "Yes."

"As a friend?"

"No, Robin, as more. You are always helping and have always been very kind to me. I am sorry I did not see it before."

He stared at the beautiful girl with shock written all over him. How could such a wonderful girl like him? After years of him crushing on her, had she finally developed feelings for him? Or was this all a joke? "Do you... still like me, friend Robin?" she enquired with sweetness in her eyes and voice. "Of course I do, Star. I never stopped." The alien girl smiled with relief as her cheeks felt warmer, along with the boy's. He placed his right hand on her cheek and grazed it gently with his thumb. "You're so beautiful, Starfire."

Her smile widened and her heart beat faster while her feelings were overcome with nerves. He softly pulled her close and their lips met, embracing into a tender kiss. They continued like that for a minute or two before breaking the kiss. "I should go into bed now. I am happy this worked for us," she told the exhausted-looking leader. "Me too," he replied with a content grin.

Without another word, she stood up and left the bedroom.

Dick sighed with joy after he placed down his glasses. He laid back down onto his bed and all worries he previously had seemed to have faded. His world quickly turned to black as he drifted off into a deep and comfortable sleep.

11:42 AM

With a well rested yawn, Dick awoke. He felt a bit surprised when he checked the time, wondering why and how on earth the Titans weren't yelling and screaming and simply being loud.

He held his head as he sat up, questioning how his teammates — not including Raven — were capable of being quiet. He reluctantly stood from his wonderful bed and stretched his arms. He grabbed his black shades with a deep breath while putting on some socks. He groaned at the sudden light as he opened his door, exiting his dark room while sliding his moody sunglasses on.

"Hello?" he called with a slight rasp in his voice from lack of energy. He got no response. He continued on his way into the living room. The only thing that he was met with was a freshly stained couch and spilled snacks on the floor and carpet. He sighed defeatedly as he shook his head, deciding to check out the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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