1: Little Bird

152 4 16

March 19th

3:30 PM

Kid Flash prepared himself by a simple side-to-side neck stretch before getting into his ready position. Robin, on the other hand, did lunges, arm pulls, jogged on the spot and many other quite unnecessary stretches.

"On your mark!" yelled a certain cyborg. "Get set..." he enticed as he waited for what felt like forever for no other reason but to build some suspense.

"Go!" he exclaimed as he waved the starting flag down. Robin took his first few steps to run as fast as possible yet before he could get to his fifth step, the speedster hurrayed in triumph. It angered the young bird. "I call for a rematch!" he demanded. The ginger boy shrugged as he chuckled at the much shorter one. "Whatever toots your horn..." he thought to himself.

Once again, the half-robot teenager counted them in and once again the quicker boy won. It was impossible to beat him unless Robin was a speedster, which he wasn't. In fact, Robin had zero superpowers, which of course put him down multiple times a day but who said a person needed to be a meta-human in order to save their city?

Every time the bird lost, he'd call for a rematch, as if anything would change. Yet of course, it didn't. Every rematch lead to the dark haired boy's loss over and over again. After a while, the Titans didn't even cheer at the end of the race. It was quite a boring watch, really.

That is, until Robin had enough. Once he heard the anticipating word of "set", he reached his hand from his ready position closer to his hip, confusing the red headed speedster. "Go!" he caught Cyborg yell with boredom.

Robin quickly pulled out his staff and tripped the freckled hero, making him fall and watch the other run for his dear life. The dark haired boy was already immensely fast due to his past and current training with his mentor, it was only in comparison to a damn speedster did he seem as slow as a snail.

Although in slight pain, Kid Flash could never let his rival win against him. So as quick as he fell, he got up and ran to the other side, tapping his foot with crossed arms as if he'd been waiting forever. It shocked the shorter teenager as he slowed down just as he was about to arrive to the finish line.

"But.. you were right there!" he exclaimed with large amounts of confusion and frustration as he pointed to their starting point. "It's called having super-speed. You wouldn't understand," the other sighed with snideness as a pleased smile plastered on his face. Robin stayed quiet for a minute, simply trying to process what had just happened before inheriting a wave of anger. "I was about to win! You can just do that!"

"He can, actually," the monotonous girl interjected, gaining both boys' attention. "There was never a rule against not being able to start late and neither did he break a different one. So yes, in technicality, Kid Flash is allowed to do that. Meaning, like every other time before, he wins," Raven explained with detail, keeping her tone flat and non-expressive. The masked boy stood silently, unable to respond to his seemingly backstabbing teammate.

"Ha!" the ginger responded with glee. "Looks like someone isn't the best hero anymore," he told the younger with a sing-song voice. "Not that you ever were," he added. The one whom he directed that comment to thought of what to say but was clearly drawing a blank. Soon, the entire Titans team cheered for Kid Flash as they chanted his name. "What do you think, little bird? Even your teammates believe I'm better," he said calmly with even a touch of flirtatiousness as his way to get on the other's nerves.

Soon, the four Titans quieted down as they realised what the entire debacle was all about. Although, Beast Boy still had confusion written all over him. "You were fighting over who's better?" the half-human questioned. The two battling boys nodded to answer his enquiry. The previously cheering team now stood still, basking in the quietness and their incorrectness. "I thought it was who was going to be our leader, dude," the green teenage boy admitted without an ounce of shame. Starfire and Cyborg agreed with his statement.

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