Prologue [N.E.P.S. K&K Series]

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Welcome to New Eridu, an urban place that has grown from the fallen old capital. Oh? Looks like a chase is happening. This is officer 148 Zhu Yuan, she is right now chasing a car due to a tiny grocery heist from some hollow raiders. "At this rate, we'll keep on making a mess!" She shouts, while driving the police car. "I'll check if we can corner them on a blocked route." Qingyi said while starting to go to her mindscape to find a route. Then suddenly time stopped and continued so suddenly that most of the people around Lumina square couldn't feel it. Zhu Yuan's eyes widened, to see a familiar figure arresting all of the thieves near their car which was open. His dark blue eyes gaze upon the thieves which most of them were knocked out with no signs of pity, and spoke while pushing one of the thieves onto the car and locking the handcuffs, "You have the FORCED right to remain silent." It didn't help for the fact that he had a poker-face with no emotion, his gaze was twice as sharp and nerve-racking due to his cold dark blue eyes looking at them. Zhu Yuan approaches with a little hint of surprise and welcoming, "Well, looks like who returned to New Eridu this morning." The figure looks at Zhu Yuan and adjusts his white-and gold police cap, "Ah, Zhu Yuan. How things are going." Zhu Yuan smiles, "Very well Senior Kane. Thanks for coming just in time. Although it was not the best welcome planned." Kane made a silent snicker and his small genuine smile, "No it's fine. Glad I ran into you. I was going to return to the N.E.P.S. Department after my flight." Zhu Yuan was in shock, "Really? So you're going to return to N.E.P.S?" Kane nods, "Yes." 

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