Chapter 41

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There was an earthquake in the Land of That," Hiruzen spoke to the twenty-five Shinobi that stood before him.

Among them was Kabuto Yakushi, a Genin medical ninja,

"I am sending you out to assist, most of you are medical nins so your duty is simple. Assist in treating the injured." The Hokage continued as he walked over his balcony.

"The rest of you will be going to maintain law and order. Keep anyone that would think to use this to their advantages in check and protect the civilians from any troublemakers. There is a Shinobi there that is waiting for you, he will be in overall command, Any questions?"

"How long are we to be away?" one asked as he watched the Hokage.

"As long as it takes, with any luck, you should all be back by the start of the Chunin exams," Hiruzen replied. "If that is not the case you will all be compensated for your lost time. Anymore? Dismissed."

Kabuto bowed and left, he knew he had no time, so he penned a quick message to his master before he joined the others in leaving the village. Three hours later he realized something was up, every one of the Shinobi sent on this mission was a member of Danzo's ROOT.

Arriving at their destination Kabuto realized he would not be able to warn his master, that is, once he saw who the Shinobi in charge turned out to be.

Tank just sat in her chair as she stared at the boys, Shino Aburame just stared back at her in the style of his clan. Shikamaru Nara looked ready to fall asleep as he waited.

"Why did you lie?" she asked finally.

"When did we lie?' Shino asked calmly.

"You two boys used your clones to great effect during that village run," she replied. "You Mr. Nara gave your father, a Shinobi I actually respect, a good fight. And you Mr. Aburame, beat your mother and father using your bug clones."

Sitting back crossing her arms,

"And you want to tell me the two of you forgot about them when facing me? Never, you two don't forget things like that."

Shika just looked at the other boy and gave a small nod.

"Normally when we face an older Shinobi, they tend to test us, to give us time to show them what we can do and where we lack," Shino started.

"We only ever seen your skill in regard to the spar with Mama Chi-Chi, which we figured was little more than play-fighting between the two of you," Shikamaru continued.

"We wanted to see what you could do," the boys said as one.

"But neither of us thought you could take us out so quickly," Shino finished.

The woman stared at them before nodding,

"Chief evaluates, he waits and gives you time to show him what you can do. I do not, I hit hard, fast, and with intent to end it quickly." Tank replied as she stood. "And if either of you ever fights Mai...she is faster."

"Any word on Naruto?" Shino asked the woman as she turned to leave the room

Anko woke and sat up with a start, she quickly looked around and found herself in her apartment.

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