13. Hurting

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I arrived home to an unsettling silence. Charlotte was nowhere to be found. My heart sank with worry, and I could only hope she was safe, wherever she was.

After a quick shower, I collapsed onto our bed, my mind whirling with the chaos of the past few days. A familiar throb pulsed behind my eyes-damn it, not now. I fumbled around, searching for my pills, desperate to stave off another episode of forgetfulness. Losing myself now would be catastrophic.

With the pills downed and the headache held at bay, I messaged Heidi, asking if Charlotte was with her. Her reply came swiftly: Charlotte wasn't here, P'Fa.

My chest tightened. Where could she be?

Anxiety clawed at my insides, the tension creeping up my spine like a slow-moving storm. I couldn't just sit here, waiting. I needed to do something-anything.

The rain had stopped, but the air was still thick with the rust scent of wet pavement. I stepped outside, my mind made up. I got into my car and drove, the destination unknown. All I knew was that I had to find her, to see her face, to know she was okay.

I drove for nearly an hour, my mind racing faster than the car itself, before I finally pulled over and checked my phone. I dialed Charlotte's number, but it went straight to voicemail. She had turned her phone off.

"Where are you, Charlotte?!" I shouted, frustration bubbling over.

I checked all the places she might be-our old condo, her house, even Yoko and P'Faye's place-but there was no sign of her anywhere. I was beginning to feel the weight of hopelessness when a notification lit up my phone. It was from Charlotte.

Charlotte: Meet me at Le Coin Secret café.

A surge of relief flooded through me as I quickly typed back.

Engfa: Yes. On my way now.

I could only thank God she had finally given me a sign. I gripped the steering wheel and floored the gas, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation.


I arrived at Le Coin Secret to find it nearly empty, as it was almost closing time.

When the staff saw me, they immediately pointed to the outdoor area, mentioning that Charlotte hadn't moved from her seat for hours. She was sitting there in soaking wet clothes, refusing to let them give her a clean outfit. The staff had worried looks on their faces. I nodded and rushed to the outdoor tables, where I found her in one of the chairs. I walked toward her slowly, I quickly took off my sweater leaving me in just my t-shirt, and wrapped it around her.

I sat down in front of her. She had a blank expression, her eyes looked empty, and her lips were trembling.

I quickly took her hands in mine, rubbing them to warm her up. "Baby, please come home now. You'll get sick like this," I said, my voice full of emotion.

I couldn't stand seeing her like this-she looked so lost.

After a few moments, she finally met my eyes. Tears welled up and began to spill down her cheeks. I wiped them away with the back of my hand. "Baby... please," I pleaded, hoping she would respond, hoping she would stop crying.

"I don't know what to do anymore. You've clearly disappointed me. I'm hurting now," she said softly, her voice filled with pain.

"I know, baby. I'm foolish. I'm a jerk. I deserve whatever comes my way right now. I just want you to come home," I replied, tears falling down my own cheeks. It broke me to see her like this. I had really messed up.

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