Chapter 3

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"You what?" A grin stated to grow across my face. Alex pulled into a park and parked before he said anything else.

"I said I love you! And I mean it. Anna I've been in love with you since day one!"

I didn't say anything. I just looked into his eyes until he was done talking. I was smiling so much, my cheeks started to hurt. After a few seconds of silence, I knew he was going to say something. I leaned over and kissed him before he could say anything. He kissed me back; we both smiled and kissed again. Alex pulled away, " You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He had the biggest smile, I love when he smiles.

"Annabeth Marie Cozgarth, will you be my girlfriend?" Alex nearly screamed. I guess he was a bit excited.

"Who would say no to a cute nerd like you? Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, as long as you're my boyfriend."

"Deal," Alex kissed me one last time and started heading home. We couldn't stop talking. It was weird, we were together now and we still act like best friends. Actually that's pretty awesome!

He dropped me off at my house and walked me to my door. Aww! No guy does that anymore. He's so old fashion. He kissed me at my doorstep and drove home, next door. When I walked inside hell broke loose. My mom attacked me with hugs and she was laughing, just weird.

"What is going on? You never act like this!" I pulled myself off of her and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I saw him kiss you! Are you two a thing now? When did he as you? Tell me everything Momma needs to know."

So I told her about my day and I showed her both cards, the one I opened and the one I still yet to open. My mom pleaded me to open it, so I caved.


You are the most amazing girl there is, even though you broke a lot of my stuff, breaking my heart would be the worst. We need to talk later. Love you, Bye!

- A.C

"This didn't come from Alex" I threw the note in the kitchen sink.

"What do you mean? A.C is Alex Cole. You broke his stuff all the time. How

could it not be him?" My mother questioned.

"He calls me Anna, he only calls me Annabeth when he's hyper, mad, or sad. He never uses "-" line for a signature. He uses a heart. He doesn't write in cursive. He never tells me when he has to talk. I have to get it out of him to talk to me." I was pissed someone was messing with me on my birthday too! This is bull. I couldn't let this take me over. I had to just relax, it's just someone who's insecure and jealous of you...that's all.

The next day Alex picked me up and drove me to school. This felt right, like this meant to be. We looked at each other and finally realized that we didn't have to hide our feelings from each other anymore. It was in that moment I realized, we've looked at each other the same way for years. We have just been searching at different times.

We walked into school with everyone staring at us. I put my head down and walked faster. Alex followed closely behind. I reached my locker, right before I opened it Alex leaned against it.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"Nothing," I answered. I didn't look at him; I pushed him off my locker.

"There's something wrong, you won't even look at me. What's going on?" Alex put his finger under my chin and lifted it up. I didn't say anything. I reached into my bag and gave him the letters. While he was reading them, he became angry.

"I didn't write these," Alex whispered.

"I know," I looked down again.

"Look I don't know who wrote these notes, but everything I said yesterday was true. I promise."

I looked up at Alex and nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked me to class with his arm around my shoulders. When Alex walked away, I felt strange. Not like the "oh I miss him already," but the "What the H. E. double hockey stick," kind of way. I sat down at my seat when the bell rang. The classroom was totally silent then voices started to appear. I knew the voices, I knew everyone in the class. No ones lips were moving.

"God, get me out of this class," Jeremy's voice whined

"I could go for a coffee right now..." Tiffany's voice craved. It was very strange; the strangest thing is what Jonathan's voice was saying.

"I wonder if Annabeth knows I wrote her those notes?"

Oh my gosh! He wrote those notes? Wait it all makes sense now. Science class, Alex and Jamie giggling. Johnathan sits behind me! How could I not suspect him? But why would he sign A.C? Does he know I like Alex? Did he know Alex liked me? So many questions!

"Okay class, we are studying for the exam next week. Pick a partner that you can actually work with and the remaining time is yours." Great, more time to study! This is awesome! I'll work by myself, I'll-

"Do you want to be partners? I don't know anyone smarter than you..." Johnathan leaned over my desk.

"Well the teachers are smarter than me." I said placing my elbows on my desk to make him lean back, so he is directly standing infront of me.

"Nah..You could probably teach this class if you wanted to. Anyways Partners?"

"Um...fine, change could be ok.." I half admitted. I didn't want to work with anyone but I guess I could use a study buddy other than Alex.

We studied for about a half hour silently, then started getting confused. It was to the point where we ran out of time to answer all of his questions. I felt bad because he was going to fail and I hate seeing people fail on huge exams.

"Why don't I help you study? Come by my house around 4 and I can help you prepare for the test." I offered

"Thanks you're awesome," Jonathan walked out of the classroom, heading to his next class. Alex walked into the classroom when I was walking up the aisle.

"Hey, you're usually the first out. Why are you still here?" Alex joked.

"I was talking to Jonathan. He wants me to help him with English. So I offered to tutor him at 4 at my house." I said walking past him.

"Why? All he wants is you and the approval of cheating off your exam. He's just trying to mess with you." Alex was a little defensive, but I could understand that.

"Look if you want you can come over too and I'll help you with math." I offered.

"Fine, but I better get food out of this." Alex groaned. He's the skinniest person I know and eats like and elephant.

We walked to science together and took our seats. Class was so slow. It felt like 2 hours went by, even though it was only 45 minutes. When class ended, you could hear everyone sigh. Just a huge breath waiting to be let out. Alex and I ran out of the classroom and barely stopped at our lockers. I grabbed the stuff I needed to tutor both Alex and Jonathan and ran towards the front doors. Alex pulled me into his car and left the parking lot before anyone else could.

We stopped for frozen yogurt and headed home, well my house. I got a text from Jonathan asking where I was. I told him 2 minutes away. He was sitting on my porch waiting for my arrival. I heard Alex sigh and I knew this was going to be a interesting night.

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