A Love Story in Shadows

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In the glimmer of a crowded mall,
I saw the world in your eyes,
A spark ignited, a destined fall,
In love's tender, sweet disguise.

Seventeen years, we danced through life,
Two boys laughing in our wake,
Hand in hand, as husband and wife,
No storm our bond could shake.

But time, it whispered bitter lies,
The love we built began to fray,
And in the depth of our goodbyes,
You turned and walked away.

I trace the memories in the air,
Of moments that we used to be,
A love so deep, a bond so rare,
Now just a distant melody.

Our boys, our pride, our tears combined,
In them, I see the love we knew,
But now I stand here, left behind,
Wondering if your love was true.

Yet in my heart, the love remains,
Though shadows dance where light once played,
For you were my joy, my loss, my pain,
The price of love that can't be swayed.

I wake each day, a hollowed soul,
Searching for the warmth you stole,
In every laugh, in every tear,
I feel your ghost, still lingering near.

But love, it's not a fleeting dream,
It carves its mark, a silent scream,
In every corner of my mind,
A truth I never thought I'd find.

You were my heart, my every breath,
The reason for my every step,
And now the silence echoes loud,
As I walk alone among the crowd.

But still, I thank you for the years,
For all the smiles, for all the tears,
For in this pain, I know I've lived,
A love so deep, I can forgive.

Though time may steal, and wounds may heal,
The scars remain, the love we feel,
For what we had, was real and true,
A piece of me will always love you.

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