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The warm glow of the evening sun stirred Johann from his slumber. Slowly, he moved on the bed, and the realisation that he hadn't slept well in a very long time hit him. He contemplated staying longer, but the deep pangs of hunger forced him to sit upright on the edge of the bed. Suddenly, he became aware that all his muscles felt very fatigued. It took him several attempts to stand, but once he could, he steadied himself against the beam reaching for his clothes which had dried remarkably well.

Johann began clothing himself with his undergarments, a light grey undershirt, and a darker grey buttoned shirt that was dirty and ripped. Next, he put on his dark brown trousers, inspecting the patches used to repair which still held firm. He slipped on his tattered leather boots and fastened them as tight as they would go. He saw that Ivor had left a bowl of water and a cloth out for him. With a flick of his wrist his hair was neatened and the front re-tied into braids. Washing his face, dirt and dried blood stained the cloth with every wipe. Staring at his reflection in the bowl, he noted his face was bruised and his lip swollen and bloodied. Lastly, he hung a small triangular object that glowed a faint sky blue around his neck and tucked it into his shirt.

The Inn was unusually quiet for how late into the evening it was. The early embers of a fire were catching in the hearth, and only a handful of patrons sat and drank. Ivor stood behind the bar, carefully polishing the ornate bottles of liquor that graced the back wall humming an eery tune to himself as Johann approached.

"Ah, I was beginning to get worried you would never wake up." Ivor joked, "How is the hand? Let me get a look"

"My hand is fine, and it would seem as though I slept rather too well now if you would please fetch me a drink and some food." Johann replied rather bluntly as he raised his hand for inspection. Ivor noted how well the hand appeared, with little blood staining the bandage and began pouring the ale.

"You can sit over there; it doesn't catch the draught and gets the warmth from the fire, plus it's out the way of people as I suppose you'll be wanting left alone?" He asked, pointing to a dark corner of the Inn nestled underneath the stairs. Johann nodded and resigned himself to the small private space to await his food.

Minutes passed before Ivor returned with a tray full of food, exclaiming, "So we have my famous Hammer & Sword soup stew with a selection of bread, and if you want any more, just let me know." Johann said thanks and gestured him away whilst staring at the thick slop that lay before him. The food looked thoroughly unappealing, and if not for severe hunger he might have turned it down, but it would be the first food in days and the first hot meal in weeks. With the crude wooden spoon in his hand, he took the first morsel of soup stew and swallowed. Alarmed by the explosion of flavour that hit his stomach, he soon found that he had emptied the bowl and ravaged the bread.

Ivor lumbered over

"Will you be wanting more?"

"Yes, more would be much needed," Johann responded with a bit more energy.

"First, I need to ask you something, have you seen any of the King's men? A friend of mine is stationed here, and I much desire to converse with him"

"I've heard they're in town but haven't seen them" Ivor replied, gathering up the tray.

"I'll keep my ears open for any news as to whether they're still here"

"That would be much appreciated, and how much do I owe you?"

"Three tin for the ale and two copper for the food. I've a tab for your room, and we'll settle when you leave"

Johann set the coins down on the table and remarked how high prices seemed these days. He of course knew that in bigger places such as Taylosia ale was always more expensive, but out in the towns, he might as well be robbed blind for paying three tin for a drink. He quickly totalled up his coin, fearing his funds would run out before long.

Four tin, eighteen copper, twelve iron, five silver and three gold coins were all the money to his name that he had rescued from his uncle's burning house. Out in a remote town, that might be considered a small fortune, but in the city that wouldn't get you very far. He was accustomed to vastly more and ran through each coin's worth in his head: fifteen tin to one copper, ten copper to one iron, six iron to one silver and lastly, three silver to one gold.

Ivor returned with a second tray of food, setting it down on the table. "Seeing as you're the Innkeeper, I presume you hear all the goings of the town?" Ivor nodded

"I would like to ask you more about the sinister sightings, if you don't mind?" Johann asked

"Aye, I'll answer as best as I can" Ivor responded sitting down

"Apart from the shopkeeper, who else has spotted foul things?"

"Er folk have been complaining of livestock disappearing, and just the other day, the old man who lives in the manor out of town said he was approached by two large creatures cloaked in black that spoke a peculiar language, claims they used an all manner of magic and then disappeared into nothing"

"What does the town make of these things?"

"Well, livestock always gets taken by various wildlife, and as for the old man he's always been a bit mad so most folks tend to steer clear" He got back to his feet "Anyway, what's with the interest?"

"Curiosity mainly, I heard rumours, and I have an interest in the extraordinary."

"You're not one of those Wizards, are you?"

"No, of course not. This is only a stop on my journey, so I wanted to make sure I was safe out on the roads" He gave a nervous chuckle.

Ivor gave a small nod and hobbled off to the bar, shaking his head, puzzled by all the strange talk of Magic and Wizards.

Hours went by as Johann observed life in the Inn. People came and went, and much laughter was had by all but him. He had grown bored of waiting and began to prepare himself to call it a night when he saw the familiar cloaked figures of the King's men stroll through the door. He watched patiently as Ivor conversed with one of them, and a giant of a man lumbered towards him.

It didn't take long for a deep Scottish voice to exclaim

"Bless my beard and call me a fish"

"It's been a long time Magnus, but you haven't changed."

The man removed his cloak, showing his long curly red hair and beard. He towered over everything in the Inn and wore the same jacket as the other men, but a kilt adorned his lower half.

"I feared the worst when I heard a rumour from the castle that an attack had been made on the town. They say his ring was delivered to the King" Magnus exclaimed in shock.

Johann raised his bloodied bandaged hand

"I've had to make a little sacrifice. I should be safe for now, but I fear I am followed, and I need help"

"You always were a crafty one, I'm not sure what help I can be, and my men are on orders to go to the plains outside Aarrock" He pointed at his men scattered around the Inn.

"Magnus my friend, do you know of anybody that can help me?"

"There's a man who lives on the edge of the Southern Plains that may be able to help, I'll send a message for him to meet you here"

"Thank you. Now, what do you say we drink like old times?"

"Aye, I won't say no"

The drink flowed, and the laughter was raucous as Johann and Magnus whiled away the hours catching up on each other's lives, and for a time, it seemed as though all the troubles of the world were gone.

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