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As I lay in bed, my thoughts won't allow me to go to sleep. I keep thinking about Ty and whether or not I made the right decision or not. I keep seeing these traumatizing visions of Kane and Ty's bodies staring at me from a distance. The visions get worse as the days go by, and I don't know how to make them stop. I was thinking about going to see a pastor after I leave in the morning.

As I was getting ready to fall asleep, I hear my door creak open and I hear footsteps headed towards me. The footsteps sounds way heavier than Kiki's so I already start to feel that something is terribly wrong. I turn over and I see a masked man with a gun pointed towards my face, before he pulls the trigger I just watch my whole life flash before myself and I stop breathing for a second out of pure fear. He pulls the trigger and I just hear a click noise, I then realize that the gun had jammed. I quickly grab the gun and threw it to the other side of the room, the masked man then pulls out a knife and try's to stab me.

I was able to dodge most of his swings but he cut me on my stomach and I immediately start to bleed like crazy. I grabbed one of his swings but the pain from the cut distracted me and the masked man was able to land a clean hit to my face and knocks me to the floor. He kneels on top of me and proceeds to put the knife towards my throat. Before he could finish me off, I remember hearing a loud pop , I remember opening my eyes and watching the man drop lifelessly to the floor next to me. As I slowly get up, I look and realize that the gun had fired the jammed bullet and somehow it went straight through the guys head.

As I walk towards the man's body, I see that his phone is going off in his pocket. I grab it and it's an unsaved number but as I look closer, I realize that it's Kiki's number. The text asked, " Did you do it?", and I just stand there in shock and disbelief as I realize that she set me up to die. I text back, " Yea it's done, imma clean up and take him out through the back". She responded with ok and I began to grab my stuff and head to an urgent care nearby. I ended up getting a lot of stitches on my stomach and took some painkillers. I get back to the house and Kiki is in the kitchen. When she saw me walk in, it's like she saw a ghost; her face gets pale and she starts to sweat like she ran a marathon.

I look at her and say, " What's wrong Kiki? You look like you've seen a ghost or something". Kiki starts to step backwards as she replies, " How? How are you still alive?". I step closer to her and I give her a small thick envelope. She opens it and sees money. She looks at me confused as I say, "
I have every right to take your life and not feel any form of remorse, but I've taken enough lives and I refuse to take anymore". I gather my stuff and start to head towards the door, before I leave I take one last look at Kiki and say," There's a mess in the room that you should clean up. I heard it's hard to get blood out of carpet".

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