Chapter 1: Rebirth of Memories

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Seoul's neon lights reflected off the rain-soaked streets as Jungkook hurried through the downpour. His thoughts were consumed by the strange dreams he'd been having – fragmented memories of a life he'd never known. A woman's warm smile, a man's gentle voice, and a feeling of unconditional love lingered in his mind like a ghost.

"Jungkook, how was your day?" his mother, Yeonbeen, asked as he walked into the cosy kitchen.

"It was fine, mom. Just tired," Jungkook replied, shaking the rain off his jacket.

"Did you eat dinner? I made your favourite kimchi stew," Yeonbeen said, concern etched on her face.

"Yeah, I grabbed something with friends. But thanks, mom," Jungkook said, forcing a smile.

Yeonbeen studied her son's face, sensing something was off. "Jungkook, is everything okay? You seem a little distant lately."

Jungkook hesitated, unsure how to share his strange experiences. "I'm just stressed with work, mom. Don't worry about it."

Yeonbeen nodded, but her eyes still lingered on Jungkook's face, sensing a deeper concern. Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking the silence.

"I'll get it," Jungkook said, rising from his seat.

As he opened the door, a tall, imposing figure stood in the entrance, his sharp eyes scanning the room before settling on Yeonbeen.

"Ah, Haein! Come on in," Yeonbeen said, a warm smile spreading across her face.

Haein, Yeonbeen's trusted bodyguard and friend, stepped inside, his rugged demeanour softening as he greeted Jungkook with a gentle nod.

"Hey, kiddo. How's it going?" Haein asked, his deep voice a comforting presence.

Jungkook smiled, feeling a sense of ease with Haein's arrival. "Not bad, hyung. Just mom being her usual worrisome self."

Yeonbeen playfully rolled her eyes. "Someone has to keep you in line, Jungkook."

Haein chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I think that's my cue to intervene. What's going on, Yeonbeen? You sounded concerned on the phone."

Yeonbeen's expression turned serious, and she gestured for Haein to join them at the table. "Let's talk."

Jungkook's curiosity piqued. He sat back down, sensing a sudden shift in the atmosphere.

Yeonbeen's expression turned grave, her voice lowering. "Haein, I've been dealing with a tricky case at work. Park Jihoon, a notorious drug dealer, is trying to wriggle out of a conviction."

Haein's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "That scum deserves to rot in prison. What's the problem?"

Yeonbeen's expression turned grave, her voice lowering. "Haein, I've been dealing with a tricky case at work. Park Jihoon, a notorious drug dealer, is trying to wriggle out of a conviction." Haein's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "That scum deserves to rot in prison. What's the problem?" Yeonbeen sighed, massaging her forehead. "He's claiming entrapment, and some of the evidence is questionable. I'm worried we might lose the case." Haein's face darkened. "I'll take care of it. No one messes with you or your cases, Yeonbeen."

As they continued discussing the case, Jungkook's mind wandered back to his strange dreams, wondering what they meant and why they felt so real. He felt an inexplicable sense of restlessness, as if his life was about to take a dramatic turn.

The familiar scenes flashed before his eyes - a woman's warm smile, a man's gentle voice, and a feeling of unconditional love. The whispers echoed in his mind once more - "Find me, my love." Jungkook's heart raced as he tried to grasp the elusive memories, but they vanished like smoke.

Haein's voice brought him back to reality. "Jungkook, are you okay? You seem lost in thought."

Jungkook hesitated, unsure how to share his strange experiences. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired, I guess."

Yeonbeen's eyes narrowed, sensing her son's unease. "Jungkook, if something's bothering you, please tell us. We're here for you."

But Jungkook just shook his head, unable to put his finger on the strange feelings that had been haunting him.


In a dimly lit alley, a woman with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair stood alongside a man with a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes. They spoke in hushed tones, their voices laced with determination.

"We've finally found him," the woman said, her voice dripping with venom. "Jungkook, the one who escaped us in the past."

The man nodded, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. "He has no idea what's coming for him. No idea who he really is."

The woman's smile was a thin, cruel line. "But we'll remind him. We'll make him pay for what he did."

As they vanished into the shadows, their whispers lingered, carried away by the wind. "Revenge is coming, Jungkook. And it will be sweet."

Meanwhile, Jungkook remained oblivious to the danger lurking in the darkness, his mind still haunted by the strange dreams and whispers.

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