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Then next morning thiha called jungkook, 
"Hlw kook can you and tae can come to my house i have lots of things with me i can't pack all off them by myself "

*Jungkook looks at Taehyung, then talk back to thiha  .*
Jungkook: Sure, Omma. We can come over to help you pack.

"Ok come. First " thiha said.

*Jungkook and Taehyung come to thihas house at 8 am ,and they are ready to assist her in packing up her belongings.*

After all of packing done thiha said
"Finally I'm done with my packing "

They all take seat in sofa

*Jungkook looks at the pile of packed boxes in her room, impressed by how much she have managed to pack.*
Jungkook: Wow, you got a lot packed up already, Omma. You're a pro at this.

"Yes I'm pro in everything you know " thiha said and winked.

*Jungkook laughs and nods in agreement. Taehyung chimes in with a teasing grin.*
Taehyung: Yeah, we know you're the best at everything, little one. We wouldn't dare to question your skills.

Thiha said."good babys " and giggled

*Jungkook and Taehyung both give her a fond smile. Jungkook slings his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.*
Jungkook: We'll always be your good babies, Omma.

Thiha hug back to kook  and said "Now go and call everyone and tell them to be ready and they need to be in our new house and 4pm "

*Jungkook takes out his phone and calls the rest of the group, delivering the message.*
Jungkook: Okay, I called the others. They'll all be ready and waiting at the new house by 4 pm.

"And you too now go back to your home and get ready it’s already 12" thiha said

*Jungkook checks the time and nods, realizing the time has flown by.*
Jungkook: Whoa, it's already 12. Thanks for reminding us, Omma. We'll head back to our homes and start getting ready. See you soon.

"Hu hu go back go back" thiha said

*Jungkook laughs, giving her a playful salute.*
Jungkook: Yes, ma'am. We're going now. See you later.


Then thiha called jin

"(On phone ) hlw jin oppa"

*Jin answers the phone, sounding lively and cheerful.*
Jin: Hey there, little one. How's the packing coming along?

"I'm done omma it’s 3 pm now when will you leave for our new house" thiha asked.

*Jin checks the time and responds.*
Jin: Hmm, it's 3 pm already? Time really flew by. We'll be leaving for the new house soon. We just have to finish packing up a few things, and then we'll head straight over.

"Ok can you pick me i can't go by myself " thiha said with a pout.

*Jin laughs at her request.*
Jin: Of course, little one. We wouldn't leave you behind. We'll make sure to swing by and pick you up on our way to the new house.

"Ok come first... It’s already late..bye now" thiha said.

*Jin chuckles at her sense of urgency.*
Jin: Don't worry, we're on our way. We'll be there soon. Take care until then, little one.

"Ok bye " thiha said and cut the call.

*Jin hangs up the phone and turns to Namjoon, who looks amused.*
Namjoon: Looks like she's getting impatient.

Jin: Yeah, she's anxious to get to the new house. Don't worry, we're almost ready. Let's finish packing up real quick.


"Who is calling me this time... Ohho i think jin oppa is here to take me " thiha said herself.

*Just as she finish speaking, the doorbell rings, signaling Jin's arrival to pick her up for the move to the new house.*

"Omma you are here...thank you omma... Love you" thiha said.

*Jin chuckles warmly, ruffling her hair affectionately.*
Jin: Of course, little one. I'm here to take you to our new home. Love you too. Now, let's get going.

"Yes where is namjoon oppa he need to help me to pick this bags" thiha said

*Jin nods and calls Namjoon over, who happily comes to her side and grabs some of her bags.*
Namjoon: Hey there, little one. Let me help you with those bags. You've got quite a few, huh?

" I'm just a girl i need lots of thing you know "thiha said sassily

*Namjoon laughs and nods in understanding.*
Namjoon: Of course, how could we forget? You need your beauty essentials, fashion accessories, and whatever else you need to maintain that gorgeous appearance of yours.

"Yes yes now you guys have my responsibility to take care of your little one, " thiha said and smiled sweetly.

Jin: Absolutely, little one. We'll take good care of you. You know we're always here to protect and pamper you.

"I know my omma and appa. . now tell me where is others " thiha said while huging jin

Jin: Hmm, it seems like the rest of the boys are still packing up their things. They should be joining us shortly.

Then they hear car sound from out side and thiha said "Ohh look everyone is here too..Let's go"

*Jin looks up and spots the rest of the boys approaching, their arms filled with their belongings.*
Jin: Ah, there they are. Looks like they're all ready to go now. Alright, let's head out, little one. To our new home!

Then they come out with all of thihas bags.

"Hii guys I'm so excited what about you guys ha? "Thiha asked

*The rest of the boys look equally as excited, their faces lighting up with wide smiles.*
Jimin: Oh, we're definitely excited! This new place looks awesome!
Hobi: Yeah, it's gonna be a fresh start for all of us. Can't wait to settle in.

"Yes yes now baby boys come with me we are going to sit in front seat and the daddy boys go back. You guys are going to sit to the back seat... " thiha said and smirked.

*The boys chuckle at her statement, finding it humorous.*
Jungkook: Wait, why do the “daddy boys” have to sit in the back? That's not fair.

"Ohh you big daddy bunny you daddis are strong.. And you guys need to Protect us, so yes that's why" thiha said sassily.

*Jungkook pouts, half-jokingly. The other boys laugh, enjoying the playful banter.*
Taehyung: Aw, looks like the big bunny is feeling a bit left out. Tough luck, Kook.

"Now jin, jimin, hobi, tae tae come with me we are going to sit in front seat" thiha said.

*Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung quickly hurry to her side, with Jin following closely behind.*
Jimin: Alright, little one, we're coming with you. The “daddy boys” can have the back seat all to themselves.

"Yes now Don't make face you daddys I'm not taking your babys for forever.. Just for the ride to our home" thiha said and rolled her eyes.

*The daddies shake their heads in mock disappointment, attempting to feign a sad expression. The daddies act dramatically.*
Jungkook: Aww, we'll miss our babies. But we'll endure the suffering of the backseat for just this short ride.

"Ok now Driver uncle you can start the car" thiha said.

*The driver, who has been silently listening to her exchange, chuckles at her eagerness.*
Driver uncle: Alright, I'll get us on our way. Everyone settled in?

" Yesssss" everyone said together with excitement.

Driver uncle: Great! Here we go. We're heading to your new home.

*The car starts and begins its journey to their new house.*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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