Chapter 11: Pieces of the Past

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The cool air of New York's early morning breeze stirred the memories Lena had fought hard to suppress. She stood by the window of her Manhattan apartment, gazing out at the skyline that had become her fortress. The city was vast and indifferent, a place that had consumed her sadness, allowing her to hide behind her success. But now, with the memories of Thailand, Ethan, and Sophia returning, Lena couldn't shake the weight of her past.

Flashback: Eight Years Ago

The heat of Bangkok clung to Lena as she stepped off the plane. She was frail, her body still recovering from the trauma of childbirth and the crushing loss that had followed. Her father was by her side, his grip on her arm firm as he led her through the airport.

"We need to leave everything behind now," her father had said, his voice cold, devoid of emotion. "This is the best thing for you, Lena."

Lena had barely registered his words, her mind numb and blank. The memory of the clinic haunted her—the sterile white walls, the nurse's detached voice telling her that her baby hadn't survived. The grief had been too much to bear, so Lena's mind had shut down, creating a protective barrier that erased the memory of Sophia.

Her father had been in complete control, just as he always was. He had made the arrangements, handling everything while Lena drifted in and out of awareness, barely functioning. When they returned to New York, he had thrown her into the world of high society and business, hoping to distract her from the grief that weighed her down.

"You'll take over the company, Lena," her father had said one evening, weeks after their return. They were seated in his study, the heavy scent of cigar smoke filling the air. "You need something to focus on. I'm giving you control. It's time for you to step up."

Lena had stared at him, her heart heavy with sadness, the echo of her loss still raw. "Why?" she had whispered, her voice weak. "Why are you doing this now?"

Her father had sighed, his expression unreadable. "Because you need a reason to keep going, Lena. You can't drown in your sadness forever. This will give you purpose."

And so, Lena had taken the reins of her father's business—a luxury fashion brand that had been in their family for decades. At first, she had been overwhelmed, too disconnected from herself to care about the world around her. But gradually, the work had given her something to focus on, a way to escape the darkness that threatened to consume her.

Building Success, Meeting James

The years had passed, and Lena had thrown herself into her work. Under her leadership, the company had flourished, expanding internationally and becoming one of the most sought-after brands in the industry. Lena had become known as the woman with the Midas touch—everything she handled turned to gold.

But despite her professional success, there had always been a void inside her, a sense that something was missing. She had never quite understood what it was, but it gnawed at her, even on her brightest days.

It was during this time that she met James.

He had been introduced to her at a corporate event—a tall, confident investor with a sharp mind and a deep admiration for her work. From the moment they met, James had been captivated by Lena. He saw her not just as the powerful businesswoman she had become but also as the vulnerable, broken woman beneath the surface.

"You're incredible, Lena," James had said to her one evening, after they had been dating for several months. They were sitting on the rooftop of a luxury hotel, the city skyline glowing in the distance. "You've built something amazing here. But I can see there's something holding you back."

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