Chapter 15: Hidden Bonds

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It had been four long months since Ethan had disappeared from Lena's life. No messages, no calls—just silence. In the beginning, Lena had tried to convince herself that he was still handling the project he had mentioned, that he would return soon. But as the weeks passed, her hope began to fade. The longer Ethan remained out of contact, the more she wondered if he would ever come back at all.

Life in New York had returned to its usual rhythm. Lena was back at work, managing her luxury fashion brand, and Sophia had been enrolled in one of the city's elite private schools. It had been a difficult decision for Lena to bring Sophia back to New York, but it was the only way she could manage both her career and her daughter. Still, she kept the truth hidden from James and especially from her father. No one in her professional circle knew that Sophia was her child—at least, not yet.

Sara had been a godsend during these months, helping Lena take care of Sophia and offering emotional support. But there was always an underlying tension, an unspoken fear about what would happen if the truth came out.

The Mall Incident

It was a crisp autumn afternoon when the incident happened. Lena had taken the afternoon off to spend some time with Sophia and Sara, deciding to go for a walk and visit one of the luxury malls that housed her brand's flagship store. The mall, with its marble floors and towering glass ceilings, was bustling with shoppers, the hum of conversations filling the air.

As they walked through the elegant halls, Lena kept a watchful eye on Sophia, who had become increasingly curious about her surroundings. The little girl, with her wide blue eyes and innocent curiosity, had been adjusting well to her new life in New York. But there was always a part of her that asked about her father—where he was, why he hadn't called.

Sophia tugged at Lena's hand. "Mommy, can we go see the fountain? It looks so pretty!"

Lena smiled softly, trying to push away the lingering sadness about Ethan. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go."

As they walked toward the large marble fountain in the center of the mall, something caught Lena's eye. A familiar figure was walking toward the same area—tall, dressed in a sharp suit, his gait purposeful. Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized him.

It was her father.

Lena froze, her mind racing. She hadn't planned on seeing him today, especially not with Sophia by her side. Her heart pounded in her chest as she quickly whispered to Sara, "Take Sophia to the fountain. Now."

But before Sara could react, fate intervened.

Lena's father stumbled as he stepped off the escalator, his foot catching on the edge of the marble floor. Time seemed to slow as he fell forward, his body crumpling to the ground with a painful thud. Shoppers around him gasped, rushing forward to help, but Sophia—innocent and unaware of the tension surrounding her family—was the first to act.

"Are you okay, sir?" Sophia asked, her small voice filled with concern as she knelt beside him.

Lena's heart raced, panic rising in her throat. She wanted to run over, to pull Sophia away, but her feet were rooted to the spot. Her father, grimacing from the pain, looked up at the little girl who had come to his aid.

For a moment, his expression softened. He didn't know who she was—didn't realize that the child who had just helped him was his own granddaughter. He simply saw a sweet, compassionate little girl, and for the first time in years, a genuine smile crossed his face.

"Thank you, dear," he said, his voice gruff but kind. "I think I'll be okay."

Sophia smiled, her blue eyes sparkling with warmth. "You should be careful! My mom says it's important to always watch where you're walking."

Lena's father chuckled softly, nodding. "Your mother's a wise woman."

Lena, still standing a few feet away, watched in disbelief as her father and Sophia continued to talk. Her pulse quickened, the anxiety rising in her chest. She had kept the secret for so long, and now, in the most unexpected way, her father was interacting with the granddaughter he didn't even know existed.

Sara stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. "Sir, let me help you up," she said, offering her hand to Lena's father, her voice calm and composed.

As he rose to his feet, still wincing from the fall, he looked at Sophia again, his gaze lingering on her with a sense of familiarity that sent a shiver down Lena's spine. "You're quite the brave little girl," he said, his voice softening. "What's your name?"

Lena's heart dropped into her stomach as she prayed that Sophia wouldn't say anything that would reveal the truth. But before the little girl could answer, Sara quickly interjected. "This is Sophia," she said smoothly, offering a quick smile. "She's just here visiting with us."

Lena's father nodded, his expression still kind but curious. "Sophia. That's a lovely name. You remind me of someone..."

Lena's blood ran cold as she watched her father closely, fear gripping her. He couldn't possibly know. He had no idea that the child standing in front of him was his granddaughter. But the way he looked at her—the recognition in his eyes—made Lena's heart race with a mixture of dread and hope.

Suddenly, her father's phone buzzed in his pocket, snapping him out of the moment. He pulled it out, glancing at the screen before turning back to Sophia with a warm smile. "It was very nice to meet you, young lady. Take care of yourself."

With that, he nodded to Sara and began to walk away, leaving Lena standing frozen in place, her heart pounding.

Aftermath: The Secret Holds

As soon as her father disappeared from view, Lena rushed over to Sophia, scooping her up in her arms, her breath shaky. "You did such a good job helping him, sweetheart," she whispered, trying to keep her voice calm even though her heart was racing.

Sophia looked at her mother, confused by the sudden tension. "Mommy, who was that man? He was nice."

Lena forced a smile, her hands trembling slightly as she held her daughter close. "Just someone who needed help, honey. You were very kind to him."

Sara stepped closer, her expression a mixture of relief and worry. "That was too close, Lena. We have to be more careful."

Lena nodded, her mind spinning. "I know. But he doesn't know. He can't know."

That night, as Lena lay in bed, the events of the day replayed in her mind. The encounter with her father had shaken her to the core. How close had she come to losing everything she had worked so hard to protect? What would happen if her father found out the truth about Sophia? She wasn't sure if she could face the fallout.

And then there was Ethan. Where was he? Why hadn't he contacted her in all these months?

As she stared up at the ceiling, the weight of the secrets she carried pressed down on her. She had done everything she could to protect Sophia, but for how much longer could she keep the truth hidden?

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