Chapter 1: The Distance Between Us

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New York City, Present Day

The clink of champagne glasses echoed throughout the opulent ballroom of the Empire Luxe Hotel, where New York's elite mingled in their designer gowns and tailored suits. Lena Hartman stood in the center of it all, poised in a sleek black dress, her eyes surveying the room with a practiced indifference. She had become a master at this game—always in control, always one step ahead.

"Lena, darling," James Blake's smooth voice brought her back to the moment. He placed a possessive hand on her lower back, guiding her toward a group of investors. "You've got to meet the Morgans. They're interested in our expansion into Asia. This is your expertise."

Lena offered a smile, the kind she had perfected over the years—polite but detached. She nodded at the Morgans, exchanging pleasantries as James went on about their recent project. But her mind was elsewhere, drifting back to a time and place she had long since buried. Thailand. Ethan.

"Excuse me," she murmured, stepping away before anyone could protest. The air in the ballroom felt stifling, like it was closing in on her. She pushed her way through the crowd until she reached the balcony, where the city skyline stretched out before her, glittering like a promise that never quite delivered. She gripped the railing, willing the memories to fade.


The sound of James's voice pulled her back to reality. He had followed her, his brow furrowed in concern—or was it irritation? Lena could never tell these days.

"You just left in the middle of the conversation," James said, his voice laced with a hint of reproach. "What's going on with you tonight?"

Lena sighed and turned to face him, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Just needed a moment to breathe. It's been a long week."

James studied her for a moment, his sharp blue eyes scanning her face as if trying to see through the facade she had so carefully constructed. "You've been distant lately," he said, stepping closer. "Is it something I've done?"

"No, of course not," Lena replied quickly, feeling a twinge of guilt. James was successful, charming, and undeniably handsome. He had provided her with stability when her world had been spiraling out of control. But there was something missing—something she couldn't name, something she couldn't ignore.

Before she could say more, her phone vibrated in her purse. Lena pulled it out, glancing at the screen, expecting another work email. But it wasn't work. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the subject line: Architectural Collaboration Opportunity – France.

Her mind raced as she opened the email. It was from a French design firm inviting her to oversee a major project in rural France. As she skimmed through the details, one line caught her breath: Your project lead will be Mr. Ethan Callahan, lead architect.


Her stomach dropped, and her grip on the phone tightened. She hadn't heard his name in years, but it still had the same effect—like a ghost from her past had reached out and brushed against her skin, sending a chill down her spine.

James noticed the change in her expression and stepped closer. "What is it?" he asked, his voice suddenly edged with suspicion.

Lena hesitated, her mind swirling with memories of Ethan, their time together in Thailand, and the heartbreak that followed. She couldn't tell James—not now, not yet. She quickly closed the email and plastered on another smile. "Just a work thing. I'll deal with it tomorrow."

"Work thing?" James raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "You've been getting a lot of 'work things' lately."

"It's nothing," Lena said, slipping her phone back into her purse. She could feel James's eyes on her, the tension between them growing by the second. But she wasn't ready to explain—not the email, and certainly not Ethan.

"I'll be back inside," James said after a long pause, his voice flat. He turned and walked away, leaving Lena standing on the balcony, the weight of the email pressing down on her like a stone.

She leaned against the railing and stared out at the city again. The lights, the noise, the rush of life—it all felt like a distraction now. How could she move forward when her past was suddenly right in front of her again?

The next morning, Lena sat at her office desk, staring at the email for the hundredth time. She could feel her heart racing just at the sight of Ethan's name. So many years had passed, and yet the thought of him still made her stomach flip. She tried to convince herself that it was just a professional opportunity, nothing more. But deep down, she knew this wasn't just another project.

Her phone buzzed on her desk, interrupting her thoughts. It was Sara, her best friend.

"Lena! Lunch today?" Sara's cheerful voice came through the speaker. "I'm craving that sushi place on Fifth."

Lena hesitated, glancing at the time. She needed to process this email, but maybe talking to Sara would help her clear her mind.

"Sure," Lena replied, grabbing her coat. "I'll meet you there."

At the sushi restaurant, Sara was already seated, her long black hair pulled into a sleek ponytail as she scrolled through her phone. When she looked up, her eyes immediately narrowed in on Lena's face.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Lena smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I got an email today... from France."

Sara raised an eyebrow. "Okay, and? That's not ghost-worthy."

Lena took a deep breath, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. "Ethan. He's... he's the lead architect on the project they want me to oversee."

Sara's eyes widened, and she leaned forward. "Ethan Callahan? The Ethan Callahan? Oh my God. What are the chances?"

Lena shook her head. "I don't know. But it feels like the universe is playing some kind of cruel joke."

Sara took a sip of her water, her face serious for once. "Have you told James?"

"No," Lena said, feeling the familiar tightness in her chest. "He wouldn't understand. Things have been... tense between us lately."

"James is a control freak," Sara said bluntly. "He's not going to like the idea of you working with an old flame, even if it's purely professional."

"It's not just that," Lena admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I haven't seen Ethan in so long. But I can't shake the feeling that there's still something between us—unfinished business, unresolved feelings."

Sara raised an eyebrow. "Well, have you ever wondered why things fell apart so suddenly? You two were crazy about each other. Then, poof, you were gone. No explanation. It never made sense."

Lena's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?"

Sara hesitated, glancing around the restaurant before lowering her voice. "I wasn't sure whether to tell you this, but I kept in touch with Ethan for a while after you left Thailand."

Lena's eyes widened. "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to complicate things," Sara said. "But Ethan never really got over you. He was devastated after you left, and the way things ended... I always had a feeling there was more to it than just life pulling you apart."

Lena felt the ground shift beneath her. "What are you saying, Sara?"

"I'm saying, maybe you need to talk to him. Maybe there are things you never knew—things that could change how you see everything."

Lena stared at her friend, her heart pounding in her chest. Could it be true? Could there really be something more, some hidden reason behind their sudden breakup?

"I don't know if I can face him again," Lena whispered, more to herself than to Sara.

"You might not have a choice," Sara said gently. "Especially if you're going to work with him. You need closure, Lena."

Lena looked down at her hands, her mind swirling with thoughts of Ethan, of what could have been, and the possibility of all the things she didn't know. And for the first time in years, she wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to find the answers she had been too afraid to seek.

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