2. Perception

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Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

"Don't be mean." Amber pushed Annika out of her way, hurrying towards Cory, who had just dropped a stack of papers after yelping in surprise. Though Sid wasn't sure what it was that had surprised him.

Annika, Davy and Sid couldn't help but laugh at the whole ordeal as Cory's eyes had gone wide before he mumbled 'go away' and 'not now'. He forgot about the papers he was holding for a split second, staring at a wall in shock, before he kneeled to grab some of the papers.

Amber helped him pick up the rest of the papers, handing the ones she collected to him as they both got up.

"Thanks, Amber," Cory whispered insecurely, keeping his eyes focused on the floor between them.

"No problem," she told him with a smile. "Why don't you come and join us for lunch?"

"Am!" Davy hissed, gesturing for her to come closer.

Amber simply rolled her eyes, pulling Cory with her when she walked up to her group of friends. "He's joining us for lunch, okay?""

"What?" Sid pulled up his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." Amber sent him a displeased look, gesturing for Cory to follow her, which he reluctantly did. But not without sending the rest of them an apologetic look. At least he understood they didn't want him there. At least he felt sorry for Amber forcing them to lunch in each other's presence.

"There's another dent in my rep..." Davy grumbled, heading outside too.

"Like you had one to begin with!" Sid called after him, before Annika and he started laughing. Davy flipped them off but continued walking outside without another word.

"Maybe we should give him a chance, though." Annika suggested with a sad smile on her face. "Amber worked with him during chemistry and he seemed really nice, and smart. We could use a smart guy in the group."

"Hey!" Sid called out, feeling insulted. "I'm smart too." He told her, before tickling her.

"Oh, you're so smart," she answered with a laugh.

"I'm smart, because I fell for you," Sid hummed while he pulled her in his arms.

Annika giggled in reply, putting her arms around his neck before she kissed him. "I love you, Siddey," she whispered as her lips left Sid's. "Can you believe we're almost together for three years?"

"I know," Sid answered with a nod. "I'm planning an awesome date."

Annika wasn't flawlessly beautiful. She couldn't be described as a model. She wasn't skinny like the fashionable popular girls in their school. But to Sid, she was perfect. He loved how she fit in his hold perfectly. Her curly ginger hair usually wasn't tameable, and on lazy days she would just put it in a messy bun. But a few strands of hair always managed to escape during the bike ride to school, and it made her look cute.

Her green eyes always seemed to sparkle, and Sid loved how her light skin had freckles. He knew she hated the sun because she easily got sunburned. But Sid wasn't the biggest fan of the sun either, so it was something they had in common.

She wasn't a girl that used tons of make-up, she only ever used a bit of mascara. She didn't prance around in tiny skirts or hotpants. She wore decent clothes that made her look more of an adult. She was sophisticated, yet casual at times.

Annika was just Annika, and it was exactly what he liked about her.

"Want to join the rest?" Sid asked, shortly looking in the direction Davy, Amber and Cory took off in. "And Cory?" Sid slammed his locker shut after he swapped some of his books around. Annika nodded, entwining her fingers with his as they started walking towards the door to go outside.

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