19. Day and night

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Friday, October 14th, 2016

"Did you find out anything else about Baywick?" Angie asked curiously, when Sid sighed and dropped his head onto his desk in frustration. There was so much information available on the internet, and most of Miller town's secrets were hidden deep inside the bottomless pit, that it was practically impossible to know where to look for the right information.

Elizabeth had lived a fulfilling life. She married, had three children, and apparently an old abandoned mansion out of town called Brook Mansion was built for her by her husband. She founded a mill with her husband, a school and did endless good things for the area, like helping to fund the start of an orphanage in Greenville.

"I take that as a no?" she asked while she descended onto the desk right beside his head. "What did you learn?"

"Nothing important, really. There is no mention of the perpetrators when it comes to his death, so connecting names to that group is impossible. There's no clear location as to where he lived in the woods, other than somewhere in Deer Trail. There's really nothing, aside from his daughter Elizabeth, who, despite her name and connection to him, was popular all over the area for the things she did."

"What about the rumours his wife had something to do with all the bad talk about Baywick?" Angie asked with a sigh, seemingly tired of hitting dead ends. "And what about you helping me to find my body? Did you figure out how we could go about that?"

Sid sucked in his breath, staring at her in disbelief. "Angie, what rumours? You never said anything about Lucia Baywick, or rumours?"

"Well, I just thought of it now." Angie shrugged again, "It's been a really long time since I've heard them, so I kind of forgot about them. But, you know, maybe it's something?"

Sid rolled his eyes, turning back towards his computer, searching word after word until he was met with an article, written about Baywick and all bad things he supposedly did. They spoke of Lucia Baywick, who never denied the rumour that her husband was seeing another woman. She never confirmed either, but why would she do that?

"Maybe I can ask our history teacher about this rumour. We're talking about the history of Ridge County anyway. If there's another woman, there might be more children," Sid said out loud, scribbling details about the rumours of the affair down in his history notepad.

"So, you didn't answer my other question."

"I really don't know how to locate and retrieve your body, Angie," Sid mumbled, turning to face the girl he now considered a friend, "we can't go back into the woods. It's too dangerous. And there's no pattern to the location in which they did find some of the missing children either, so I wouldn't even know where to start. Let alone the fact I don't know a way into the forest, let alone know how to navigate through it."

"I could... show you? I'm not asking you to go into the woods. Not before any of this gets solved. But why don't you let me guide you, in your sleep? That's safe, right?"

"Right..." Sid shuddered at the idea of having to go in there, no matter to what extent. But he promised to look for her, and getting to know the way around the forest in his dreams didn't sound problematic. "Let's agree, during the day, we solve my problem, during the night, we solve yours."

"Sounds like a deal," Angie said, happy with the outcome.

Sid nodded along, absentmindedly staring at his computer, though he wasn't really reading any of the information. What he wanted, more than anything, was to go back in time and make sure none of this ever happened. Still, he did like the company of Angie, even though she could be a little much sometimes. But finding her body would be complicated. The forest was a huge place they couldn't get to. Most of the history that seemed relevant, led them right back into that horrible place.

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