16. Secrets & Promises

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Monday, October 10th, 2016

As promised, Angie had helped Sid get through the math quiz by passing him the answers of either Annika, Amber, or the answering sheet on the teacher's desk. Sid hadn't used every answer she gave him, and Angie distracted him by crying out in confusion over his decision not to use all answers. But there was no way for him to explain to her, in class, that he didn't want his teacher to catch on; he wasn't the best at math and suddenly getting an A would make him suspicious.

Which is why he told her after class, but she still thought it was stupid. She then proceeded to annoy Edward whenever he was nearby, and refused to answer Sid's questions about Amber, and why Angie was so sure she knew where to look for the right spells. Sid didn't know she was into that kind of thing.

Whatever the thing was.

They spend two hours after school in the library doing more research, all on their assigned subjects, while Sid allowed Angie to tell him what to look for. She made him google Wiccan, witchcraft, rituals in the Pits and devil's worshipping in El Infierno; the main pit.

Sid was at a loss for why she told him those exact terms, until he discovered the fact that people claimed wiccans had moved into the area around 1650; the year when The Miller Six had gone missing. Many said it was nonsense, and witchcraft wasn't real, but there were plenty of search results telling him that this could seriously be a lead.

They had gone over the information together, until Sid was called by his mother to come home—he was still sort of grounded after all—right before Cory received a call to tell him to go home as well.

They ended their research, went home, and agreed to continue the next day.

"You're a dreamy guy, you know?" Angie said, as she sat on the windowsill, staring at him amused. "You zone out a lot."

"Oh, yeah," Sid replied, chuckling as he ruffled up his hair, getting up from his desk chair. "I tend to do that whenever I'm deep in thoughts."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"So, are you willing to tell me more about Amber? I've known her long enough to know she isn't into witchcraft or spells or whatever."

"I won't tell you, sorry," Angie replied, shaking her head with a small smile on her face, "I can't tell her secrets. You wouldn't want me to share your secrets either."

"I don't have secrets."

"Not yet. Not from your friends, at least. I'm your secret, the fact you went into the woods is a secret, the fact you heal way too fast is a secret. You're entire being is a secret."

"Sorry, but what?" Sid snorted, "my entire being is not a secret. But yeah, you're my secret, and so is the fact I was in the woods. But I tell my friends everything."

"Even if you were forbidden?"

Sid shrugged a shoulder, "even then. I trust them."

"Edward too?"

"Yeah, because despite the fact he isn't helping, and acting like a two-year-old, he hasn't told anyone about you, or the woods, or anything."

"But those are his secrets too."

"I guess, but still. He could easily pretend he wasn't there. People know he isn't that much into horror and thrill like Davy and I are."

"Okay, so do you trust me?"

"I mean, yeah," Sid mumbled, shrugging a shoulder. Though he wasn't entirely sure if he trusted her fully, she was gaining his trust rapidly. "You're helping me, right? You wouldn't do that if I couldn't trust you. Now, do you trust me?"

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