5. Guys Night

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Saturday, September 24th, 2016

With his three sisters and parents out of the house for the entire night, Sid decided on inviting Edward and Davy to play video games and binge watch some shows. He needed the distraction, because ever since he started talking to Cory about things, he felt restless and on edge. His ever-growing curiosity about the woods was getting out of hand and he needed it to stop.

They agreed it were forbidden subjects: Cory, and the woods.

Sid needed a breather. Being friends with someone like Cory was weighing on him. He didn't do it because he wanted to know more. If that had been the sole reason for them to hang out, Sid wouldn't care as much as he did.

No, he liked hanging out with Cory, at least when they didn't talk about the woods or whatever he was hiding.

With the house to themselves, they had made themselves comfortable on the couch with drinks, chips, popcorn and even a few blunts Davy managed to buy that day.

They were simply watching Orange is the new Black, though it was solely a favour to Edward, as Davy and himself rather wanted to watch creepier things. They had just finished a season of Supernatural, they watched Stranger Things, and had turned down a handful of other horror movies of which the intro made them laugh.

Edward then opted for something... lighter.

Which made Sid feel bored out of his mind, despite already having smoked a spliff and drank a few beers. It wasn't that he disliked the show; it just was a lot of the same shit, over and over again.

The same women, in the same prison, and a lot of female drama added in the mix. Why on earth did people like this show as much as they did?

It was entertaining. But after two episodes, he was pretty done with it.

"Can we play Fifa or whatever?" Davy groaned as Edward was about the start the next episode. "I'm done watching shows."

Sid slid down in his seat, while Davy sent him a pleading look after pausing the show.

"I vote Fifa," Sid agreed, raising his hand in the air. "I need some action before I fall asleep."

"You guys always do this to me," Edward whined, giving in anyway. He exited Netflix to start up the PlayStation. "But can we at least play Rocket League?"

"Sure, sure," Sid waved a hand in his direction. "Whatever you want. Just no more of those prison drama queens." He got up to retrieve the controllers from a drawer, handing them to his friends.

Whatever Edward wanted to play was fine, as long as he could stop listening to a whining main character who caused most of her issues herself. And since they were cutting Edward's choice of show short, very early—they usually watched more than two episodes in one go—Rocket League it was.

As long as Edward wouldn't feel as if Davy and himself were teaming up against him, again. So, they teamed up as a team of three for Rocket League, with Edward being their captain since he was by far better in this game than they were. But thankfully, Edward never minded when they fucked something up, ending up laughing along with them if they did something stupid, or made a mistake that seemed very dumb.

It was generally a great evening, until Sid was about to score a brilliant goal, when suddenly the TV shut off, and so did all the lights. In the background, he heard the dishwasher stop, while they were left in darkness and silence.

"The fuck?" Edward grumbled, looking around while Davy shuffled next to him. Sid's eyes need some time to adjust to the darkness, but when he was able to see enough, he got up, wondering what to do now.

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