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"You stop explaining yourself once you realize people only understand from their level of perception."

When Cory Dunn was taken into a mental facility, rumours had started to spread about what happened to him in the Miller Woods on a cold October night in 2014. Some say it were wolves that had hunt him down in the woods. Some say there was a copy-cat murderer that chased him the entire night. Some say there had been nothing at all, and it was all in his head.

Whatever it was that had scared Cory Dunn to near-death, it had caused him to not speak a single word for months. What ever happened that night, had caused for mayor panic in Miller town, and had eventually caused for the local government to close down the woods in its entirety.

Big electrical fences with barbed wire were placed, needed to keep thrill-seekers out, and to keep whatever evil lurked in the woods inside.

Cory Dunn was one of the many kids who got lost in the woods. Every thirteen years, six kids had gone missing, and most had never been found again. People speculated about the causes, and one story was crazier than the other.

What made Cory Dunn's story special, was the fact that he managed to get out of the woods; alive.

Alive, but not well.

And with his miraculous survival, the streak had come to an end and the rumours had slowly died down.

One day people had been gossiping, the next it seemed as if everyone had forgotten what had happened. No more whispered words whenever Mr. Dunn was seen, picking up groceries with a permanently sad frown on his face. No more speculations about what supposedly had happened to his only son, the night he spent in the Miller Woods.

No more wild stories about a pack of wolves, no more kids joking it might be werewolves. No more copy-cat killer rumours, and eventually, no more investigation from the police about what happened; there was no trail to follow, and with that, the case had gone cold.

Because Cory never spoke a word about what happened, and up until the day he reappeared in society, nobody knew what was in the woods that caused kids to disappear. 

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