Emma I

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A sudden thunderous bang occurred causing Emmas' ears to ring, and her jolting up in fear and confusion. As she looked over she noticed her younger brother Hugh, who had pushed open the door with full force and started running in and jumping onto the bed yelling,"EMMA EMMA, RICHARD IS PURSUING ME".

Emma groaned as she felt her younger brother's weight land on her. In her confused state she pushed Hugh off the bed causing him to crash his head against the hard stone floor. Emma quickly realised what she had done when she heard her brother crying, she immediately got off the bed and bent over her brother's wailing body as she tried to aid him.

"Hush Hugh, I'm really sorry please don't cry." Emma comforted her brother, while hoping that this wouldn't cause a commotion as she had already gotten in trouble for arguing with her father about her betrothal.

Richard runs in presumably to catch Hugh and gives out a sigh before walking towards them.

"Come on Hugh you don't want Father finding out" Says Richard calmly trying to console Hugh.

Emma gets up concerned for her brother before getting annoyed at Richard because he caused the chain reaction leading to Hugh's fall.

"You shouldn't be running around in the Castle halls," Emma Shouts in frustration.

Richard shouts back, standing up causing Emma to feel intimidated.

"Is that a concern right now?"

"I'm just pointing out that if it weren't for you wasting your time chasing kids this would not have occurred," Emma yells as her ears begin hurting from Hugh's consistent whining causing Emma to lash out at her brother.

"SHUT UP YOU FOOL.." Before pausing, noticing the room is now filled with maids and her Father and Mother who all stared at her in a mix of disapproval and disappointment, she had been so caught up in the moment she failed to notice people in her chamber.

Emma's father walked over to Emma in haste causing her to step back before he grabs her by the wrist and tightening his grip causing a sharp pain that made Emma cry in distress, He starts dragging the crying and screaming Emma out of the room towards the Master Bedroom Emma's mind raced with thoughts with terror as she realised she would be punished again today like yesterday and a sense of dread took over as she began to beg for mercy from her own father, as she leaves the room dragged by her father. The room is silent with some of the Maids tearing up and Richard frozen in guilt while Emma's cries echo through the cold stone halls of the Castle.

"YOU VILE WRETCH" The Father yells, slapping her Legs and Face over and over again.


He stopped abruptly, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he looked at Emma with a weary expression. The rage in his eyes softened as he took a moment to compose himself. Giving Emma time to curl up into a ball in the stone corner while he sits on the bed which was covered in a red blanket. Emma is still sobbing but trying to console herself.

Her father stands up in a much calmer demeanour and hugs her before speaking in a calm manner.

"I did not wish to do this to you and I both know that I am doing this for you as you need to learn to hold your tongue, the Anglo Saxon will treat you way worse my dear. I pray you understand this."

Emma cries and hugs her father back feeling relieved that her father cares for her yet deep down this feels wrong. It is rare for her father to go into a blind rage like this but when he does, it always results in him feeling sympathetic for her at the end of her suffering.

"Get yourself cleaned up and dressed in your blue gown. We will be leaving soon. Ensure you are presentable, we don't want to appear as though we're offering a damaged prize to the Earl. Who knows what uncivilised cunts will do if they don't get what they want."

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