Eadric II

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The sound of iron clashing against the anvil rang through Eadric's ear as he kept striking it, the streets packed with people and the smell of iron filling his nostrils as the sound of the people's chatter filled his ear alongside the iron clinging, his mind filled with thoughts of his future bride which frustrated him, he paid no mind to the way he was hammering, a sudden shout from behind, snapped him back to reality.

"Boy, unlike you I am not fortunate enough to be able to afford iron so pay attention," orders Magnus, Eadric quickly stops, looks at his work, and notices it is a bit curved, he glances at Magnus and apologizes.

"Forgive me Magnus... I was thinking of something," says Eadric feeling a bit ashamed.

"Forgiven young master at least you are helping out today unlike my own son and blood, Beorn." Magnus lets out a chuckle before continuing "Well continue boy and try not to bend my iron" Magnus gives out a laugh and pats Eadric's back before turning back to his shop.

Eadric continued hammering the sword but this time trying to straighten it first and actually paying attention while simultaneously thinking about the same stuff before, he looked out the entrance and noticed a girl with a blue gown standing there being pushed around by the crowds before she pushes her way into the shop and lets out a sigh.

"You lost?" asks Eadric looking at the girl, she seemed very out of place with her blue gown but this had caused Eadric to be curious about her background as colored fabric is very expensive so it is often worn by nobility.

"No sir, I am just enjoying the town." replied the girl while fixing her gown and looking away from him.

Eadric felt insulted as for all his life he was taught to look at people while talking to them, especially to someone of his status "Well, dressed like that, you'll draw attention you might not want" Eadric advises her.

The girl says nothing just looking at him with a frown. "Was that a poor attempt at a jest or legitimate advice?"

Eadric froze, not having understood what she said as he had never heard the words "Jest" or "Legitimate" being used in an actual conversation before besides his lessons which he had ignored, having forgotten the meanings of both words he started feeling embarrassed but not wanting to seem dumb he opened his mouth and started speaking.

"I.. I must say I do legit..imate myself often." He said, hoping he had used the word correctly. He was beginning to think about what else to say before a loud laugh came out of the girl.

"I.. I see.." says the girl in between laughs before coughing and fixing her posture. "I see well you must be a nobility then?" the girl said with a calm demeanour.

"Aye it is true they call me that they also say I am a jest". Eadric proclaims, excited knowing his use of the unfamiliar terms were being used correctly.

The girl gives out a small chuckle and moves closer to him. "You are indeed a jest sir." Eadric freezes he had never been approached by a girl of her beauty, he felt flustered and frustrated that he was already promised to another.

"Your iron is bent." says the girl causing Eadric to snap back to the anvil and sigh before saying "I know it is no need to remind me, my lady." He felt a bit embarrassed that she had to see him at his worst work. "I have better work than this," he said, trying to redeem himself.

The girl chuckles, "It's 'M'lady' not my lady, if you're trying to impress me the fact you work in such a respectable job is enough." she says smiling at him which causes him to feel hot, he was so distracted by her beauty and mannerism he had forgotten what she had said after an awkward silence the girl starts speaking.

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