Marauders headcannons

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Hey guys! Here are your Marauders headcannons! (Don't worry, I'll do the golden trio meets the Seven, too)


Lily, who had just recently become James's girlfriend, was trying to get James and Sirius to study for the upcoming exams. After a lot of convincing (and some help from Lupin) they reluctantly sat down with their potions' books.

After about 10 minutes (that's quite a lot of time) of dedication, the 'Dynamic Duo' got bored.

"Lily - flower? Can we PLEASE stop studying?" James begged his girlfriend.

"You've both stared at you books for barely 10 minutes!" Lily shouted in surprise.

"Exactly! I can't remember the last time we studied for so long!" Sirius butted in.

"No it's not! You guys CANT take a break!" Lily said.

"Why not?!" James asked in surprise.

"Because professor McGonagall would kill me if you guys fail another test, that's why!" Lily shouted at them.

"Okay...." They both went back to staring at their books.

*15 minutes later*

"NOW can we take a break?" James asked.

"Yeah, if I stare - I mean study - this potion recipe any longer I'll probably die!" Sirius said.

"C'mon guys, you haven't learned anything!" Lupin said. "Say what, I'll test the both of you, and if you guys pass, you can go and prank the Slytherins like you were about to before this." 

"Sure!" Sirius was fast to exclaim. "When's the test?"

"Right now." Lupin replied.

"Uh.... No thanks." James and Sirius said in unison.

*15 minutes later*

"Hey Padfoot! On a scale of 1 to 7, what's your favourite day of the alphabet?" James asked his best friend, eyes gleaming.

"Hmm... Hard question, Prongs. Yesterday it was orange, sooo........ PURPLE!" Sirius exclaimed with a straight face.

"Good choice Pads." James went back to staring at his book.

"Wait what?! How can -" Lily spluttered.

"Eh, don't worry, you'll get used to it." Lupin said without looking up from his book, completely unsurprised at his friends' odd exchange. 



Drunk James and Sirius be like :

James : Hey, Sirius!

Sirius : Yeah, bro?

James : I really like your name bro. 

Sirius : Thanks man.

James : Where'd you get it man?

Sirius : What, my name?

James : Yeah, your name dude.

Sirius : I don't know man. My parents gifted it to me on my birthday.

James : Cool bro.

Sirius : I know right?!

*James and Sirius laughing in drunk*

*From a distance*

Lily : Are you sure this is normal Moony?

Lupin : Yeah, this isn't anything out of the blue.


Names Padfoot (Sirius) and Moony (Lupin) called baby Harry :

1. Pronglette

2. Prongs 2.0

3. Harold (when they were drunk)

4. King Henry (idk why)

5. Hairy Harry (idk abt this one either)

6. Future quidditch player

7. The baby (What? He was the first baby in the Maraudres' friend circle!)

8. (My favourite one) Proof that James banged Lily.

Basically, they called him LITERALLY EVERYTHING BUT HARRY!

It's a surprise that the poor thing actually knew his name growing up.

Question: What's your favourite name for Harry? (It can be from the series too)

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