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Hey guys! I just thought of this random chandelitz headcannon and I wanted to share it with you people. I may not update that often for the next 2 weeks cuz my exams are coming up. Anyways, enjoy!

 Fitz is secretly obsessed with the chandelier in his room at Everglen. He often finds himself daydreaming about her during class, imagining what she would say to him when they started talking. He starts leaving little notes around her, complimenting her sparkle and elegance. One night, he even creates a magical light show just for it, turning the room into a dazzling spectacle, in a way to ask her out for a first date. He was very surprised when all of his friends started laughing about his true love for Chandy. Fitz was particularly worried when Keefe asked if he could meet Fitz new girlfriend. What If he tried to win her over? He thought. What if Chandy likes him better? He already has Sophie, he can't have Chandy too! That's the reason why Keefe has not yet met the love of Fitz life.

So, how was it? Very short and random, I know, but I still find it pretty funny.

One of the worlds hardest questions: Who do you ship more -  Brason or Chandelitz?

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