Mirror That Doesn't Reflect Me

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"Why did you insist that Jones let you teach me? Why… why didn’t you let the tutor do it? It would be one less thing for you to worry about, wouldn’t it?"

I look down quickly and moisten my lower lip. For a moment, it feels like Arthur’s shyness is passed on to me.

"Because you’ve been my best hobby lately." is my reply. "I don’t know how to be more sincere than that."

He looks at me with admiration, the passivity visible.

"Why?" I ask, bending my body further forward. "Did you think that because I was an impossible brat I would never be able to teach the most praised young man in school?" I tease in a sexy voice afterwards, only to have the pleasure of watching him get nervous.

And he does.

"N-no…" Arthur clears his throat. "And I don’t think you’re impossible to handle."

"More than half the college would disagree with you, Arthur."

His eyes flash in kindness.

"Maybe it’s because they’ve never had the chance to get to know you." he argues slowly. "And see how good your heart is."

I sit still when he says that. Good heart, I repeat chastely. Oh, boy.

"Where have you been all this high school time?" I ask in a whisper, my expression wary.

When Arthur tilts his head to the side, he says:

"I’ve been around you many times, to be honest." His innocent countenance crosses me. "I just think that maybe I wasn’t a good enough reason for you to notice me."

"Or go see the sea of ignorance I’ve always swum in hasn’t allowed me to see that you’re the best thing about that school."

He laughs in embarrassment and makes, somehow, his emeralds glisten.

"Guys." It’s the waiter who served us, already with our plates. Another waiter comes to leave the soft drinks and the glasses. "Enjoy your meal!"

"So?" I ask the generous boy in front of me. "From the looks of the dish, do you think it looks like it's enough to make up for your rate?"

I can see the amusement reaching him.

Before he can answer, however, the most unusual thing happens: one of the girls I used to stay with at school a long time ago - Amanda - with long curly hair and brown eyes as clear as Fill's, shows up, wearing a long silver dress. Her presence alone makes my body stiffen, because all I wanted least of all was to be hindered now by someone I've already kissed.

"Nick!" she exclaims with exaggerated but not too loud animation, and opens her arms to encircle them around my neck, even though I'm sitting down. "Hi, gorgeous! How are you?"

Arthur, bewildered, smiles at me with his mouth slightly open and observes the girl hugging my body. It's incredible to see her naturalness.

"Amanda." I whisper, making an effort to frame a polite smile. "Hi."

Amanda finally lets go of me, but although it's quite apparent that I'm not alone, she ignores Arthur completely.

"I didn't know I'd find you around here!" she continues. I didn't remember her voice being so irritating. "My father and I frequent this restaurant straight away."

I flash her another slight smile and bring my face to the boy who is gently looking at us.

"I have brought Arthur to have dinner with me." I indicate him with my hand, and he immediately becomes intimidated.

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