Chapter One: Introductions

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Mkay, so this was originally an OC story, but I thought readers would like it more as an insert, so here ya go! Also, (name) looks quite a bit like Haruhi (short brown hair, brown eyes etc) with various differences that are mentioned. I've got quite a bit planned for this, but I'm not sure who reader will end up with, so I guess It'll be a surprise for everyone! I hope you enjoy!

A set of shockingly handsome twins sat in the 'unused' music room 3 at the Private Institute, Ouran Academy. The ginger haired twin on the right looked over to his sibling.


"Yes, Hikaru," The other answered, turning from the window view to look in his mirror image.

"Why did we come here so early? It's so boring here!" He leaned his soft hair back against the polished fair window framework and sighed. "Ya got any idea's to make Boss flip out?" he paused a moment in thought. "Maybe give Haruhi a hickie?"

"No, Hikaru, you know Haruhi would never do anything like that." Hikaru replied. "She's too much of a buzz kill."

"I guess so...I just wish something exciting would happen!"

Right as the last word was uttered the large pink-tinted door burst open and out poured Tamaki Suou-the tall, blonde debonair host club King- and Kyoya Ohtori- the manipulative, devilishly handsome host club Vise President. Tamaki was holding (F/N) (L/N) -the beautiful, intelligent heiress to the largest fortune since Andrew Carnegie.- The blonde running around like a lunatic saying something along the lines of:

"Daddie's little girl was sleeping on that uncomfortable bench in flimsy clothing! Mommie, what if those dubious doppelgangers had found her and not her loving parents?" Obviously, he mistook (Y/N) for someone else.

In addition, she was yelling something along the lines of:

"Put me down, senpai! My nightgown is flying up and I don't want random guys to be peepin' my bod! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!"

Kyoya simply rolled his eyes. Tamaki ran around in circles until finally realizing that the girl he was holding needed to get dressed, he practically threw her in to the clubs cosplay dressing room and tossed in a bag with a spare uniform.

"Ow, senpai!" (Y/N) yelled through the curtain. "And, this uniform thing is too small! Don't you have any jeggings, converse, and graphic tees?"

Tamaki threw a hand out toward Kyoya. "Mommie, get Haruhi a larger uniform!" he then turned to face the twins who sat enthralled at their window seats. "Hikaru figure out what jeggings, converse, and graphic tea is! Kaoru, get Haruhi some contacts!"

"Yes, sir!" they all said in unison with mixed enthusiasm in their voices.

Yes, it's short...sorry. ;-; Also, no, you didn't miss them, nor did I exclude them- Takashi and Mitsukuni will show up eventually. Please be patient with me. *bow*

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